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8 Questions, 50 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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4 years ago
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0 Votes 30 Answers 1K Views
Hi, I am trying to execeute my code on nvidia/cuda docker, but it keeps running, it is not failed or not aborted. The last log message is "Successfully insta...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 10 Answers 1K Views
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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0 Votes 25 Answers 1K Views
4 years ago
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0 Votes 4 Answers 1K Views
Hi, does 'trains' save scalars somewhere in the machine similar to log file?
4 years ago
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0 Votes 10 Answers 1K Views
Is it possible to disable vcs-cache? I tried to change value from true to false in the trains.conf, but it does not affect anything. I want to disable it, be...
4 years ago
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15 Answers
0 Votes 15 Answers 1K Views
Hi, I faced with a silly error, when I run the python script with task = trains.init(project_name='my project', task_name='my task'). The task goes to the tr...
4 years ago
0 Hi, Can We Upload Our Project Repository To Trains Server? If We Can, How Should We Do? I Know When We Write "Task.Init()", It Uploads Our Experiment Into Server, But It Also Run The Experiment. However, I Want To Upload All My Experiments In Draft Status

I mean, you know in trains github, there are examples and when I deploy the server, these examples are exist in server with draft status. So, I want to add my examples in the same way.

4 years ago
0 Hi, Can We Upload Our Project Repository To Trains Server? If We Can, How Should We Do? I Know When We Write "Task.Init()", It Uploads Our Experiment Into Server, But It Also Run The Experiment. However, I Want To Upload All My Experiments In Draft Status

I couldn't tell. Assume, I have a huge github repository, it has 100 ml project and I want to see all of them in the trains server. Should I write "train.init()" and run them all in order to see them in the server or is there any other way to see all of them in the server without run them all.

4 years ago
0 Is It Possible To Disable Vcs-Cache? I Tried To Change Value From True To False In The Trains.Conf, But It Does Not Affect Anything. I Want To Disable It, Because It Gives Error When I Run A Project Firstly On Docker Then On Venv.

fatal: destination path '/home/dogukan/.trains/vcs-cache/pre-post-script-repo.git.35f82b395021c8e6afef186fafa662cc/pre-post-script-repo.git' already exists and is not an empty directory.Actually, the error occurs because of this line. I run my experiment firstly on docker, then it creates a folder in the vcs-cache that gives access permission only to root. Then, I run my experiment on venv and it cannot access this folder and cannot create new one because of the same name.

4 years ago
0 Is It Possible To Disable Vcs-Cache? I Tried To Change Value From True To False In The Trains.Conf, But It Does Not Affect Anything. I Want To Disable It, Because It Gives Error When I Run A Project Firstly On Docker Then On Venv.

Hi TimelyPenguin76 , My version is 0.15.2rc0 and I am running with this command; trains-agent daemon --detached --gpus 0 --queue default --docker nvidia/cuda --foreground

4 years ago
0 Hi, I Just Upgraded My Version From 0.15.2Rc0 To 0.16.0. In Older Version, By Using Apiclient I Was Getting Client.Tasks.Execution.Parameters, But In Newer Version. It Returns Empty Dict. I Know Hyper-Parameters Section Is Changed, But Why This Method Ret

In older versions it returns:
"parameters": { "batch_size": "64", "test_batch_size": "1000", "epochs": "1", "lr": "0.01", "momentum": "0.5", "no_cuda": "False", "seed": "1", "log_interval": "10", "save_model": "True" }But, now it just returns empty dict. I think it is because of separation of hyper-parameters section on UI.

4 years ago
0 Hi, I Faced With A Silly Error, When I Run The Python Script With Task = Trains.Init(Project_Name='My Project', Task_Name='My Task'). The Task Goes To The Trains Server, But In The Trains Server, In Installed Packages Part One Of The Line

Yes, it fixed. If I install trains from github repo directly withouth using my local version. But, is there another way to avoid it, because I might change the code for my personal use, that's why I want to install trains from my local.

4 years ago
0 Hi, Does 'Trains' Save Scalars Somewhere In The Machine Similar To Log File?

Actually, I want to retrieve metrics from code and I thought that these metrics might be stored somewhere in the local folders so that I can access them via code. You know the log file is created and stored in /tmp folder.

4 years ago
0 Hi, I Faced With A Silly Error, When I Run The Python Script With Task = Trains.Init(Project_Name='My Project', Task_Name='My Task'). The Task Goes To The Trains Server, But In The Trains Server, In Installed Packages Part One Of The Line

Yes, I mean trains-agent. Actually I am using 0.15.2rc0. But, I am using local files, I mean I clone trains and trains-agent repos and install them. Their versions are 0.15.2rc0

4 years ago
0 Hi, I Faced With A Silly Error, When I Run The Python Script With Task = Trains.Init(Project_Name='My Project', Task_Name='My Task'). The Task Goes To The Trains Server, But In The Trains Server, In Installed Packages Part One Of The Line

-e git+ torch == 1.5.1 torchvision == 0.6.1 trains == 0.15.2rc0Actually, package version is also written. However, because of git ref, trains-agent fails.

4 years ago
4 years ago
0 Hi, I Faced With A Silly Error, When I Run The Python Script With Task = Trains.Init(Project_Name='My Project', Task_Name='My Task'). The Task Goes To The Trains Server, But In The Trains Server, In Installed Packages Part One Of The Line

I think you can reproduce it by cloning the trains repository, then pip install -e ~/trains and then you need to run one of the examples from trains examples by writing python3 toy_base_task.py . Then you should see this odd bug.

4 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Execeute My Code On Nvidia/Cuda Docker, But It Keeps Running, It Is Not Failed Or Not Aborted. The Last Log Message Is

AgitatedDove14 I might find something to fix the issue but I am not sure. In trains-agent worker.py script log it is written like that python3 -u -m trains_agent execute --disable-monitoring --id 9fe6d610a2b946379255b0fc25b5f9fd') so at the end there is an extra " ' ".  So when I run this script in my local environment by writing python3 -u -m trains_agent execute --disable-monitoring --id 9fe6d610a2b946379255b0fc25b5f9fd it works and runs the code. However, if I write ` pytho...

4 years ago
0 I'M Probably Stupid, But How Do I Specify Worker Name? Usecase - I Want To Create Two Workers Using The Same Gpu, And New Worker Just Overwrites The Old One

AgitatedDove14 Is it possible to delete specified worker? I mean, I have 10 workers and I want to delete one of them?

4 years ago
0 I'M Probably Stupid, But How Do I Specify Worker Name? Usecase - I Want To Create Two Workers Using The Same Gpu, And New Worker Just Overwrites The Old One

Ups, you misunderstood me. I just want to remove specified agent. For example, I had 3 agents on the same queue with different worker names. So, if I remove them by applying what you said in this thread, all of them will be removed. However, I just want to remove one of them.

4 years ago
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