Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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0 Questions, 96 Answers
  Active since 18 February 2023
  Last activity 2 years ago


0 How Can I Send A Composed Chunk Of Code For Remote Execution

Hey @<1523701083040387072:profile|UnevenDolphin73> , sorry for late reply, I’m investigating now the issue that you mentioned that running a remote task with create_function_task fails. I can’t quite reproduce it, can you please provide a complete runnable code snippet that fails like you just described

one year ago
0 Hi Team,

This is doing fine-tuning. Training a multi-billion parameter model from scratch would be economically unfeasible for most of existing enterprises

one year ago
0 My Project Pipeline Is Runnung Well And Good But Instead Of Completed It Is Coming As Aborted After Complete Execution

Is this a jupyter notebook or something ? Can you download it properly as either a .ipynb or .py file?

one year ago
2 years ago
0 Hello. I Want To Update An Artifact In A Task (A Pandas Data Frame). I Do This With

Hey @<1547390444877385728:profile|ThickSnake12> , how exactly do you access the artifact next time? Can you provide a code sample?

2 years ago
0 Hi! I Have A Dataset Like This: V1.0.0

You can create a new dataset and specify the parent datasets as all the previous ones. Is that something that would work for you ?

one year ago
0 Hi Guys

Hey @<1564422650187485184:profile|ScaryDeer25> , we just released clearml==1.11.1rc2 which should solve the compatibility issues for lightning >= 2.0. Can you install it and check whether it solves your problem?

one year ago
0 Hi Guys

The issue may be related to the fact that right now we have some edge cases when working with lightning >= 2.0, we should have better support in the upcoming release

one year ago
0 How Can I Send A Composed Chunk Of Code For Remote Execution

Ah, I think I understand. To execute a pipeline remotely you need to use None pipe.start() not task.execute_remotely . Do note that you can run tasks remotely without exiting the current process/closing the notebook, (see here the exit_process argument None ) but you won't be able to return any values from this task....

one year ago
0 Hi, I Configured An On-Prem File Server For Clearml Which Is Mounted On My Pc.

What happens if you comment or remove the pipe.set_default_execution_queue('default') and use run_locally instead of start_locally ?

Because in the current setup, you are basically asking to run the pipeline controller task locally, while the rest of the steps need to run on an agent machine. If you do the changes I suggested above, you will be able to run everything on your local machine.

2 years ago
0 Aws { S3 { # S3 Credentials, Used For Read/Write Access By Various Sdk Elements # The Following Settings Will Be Used For Any Bucket Not Specified Below In The "Credentials" Section # ----------------------

@<1637624992084529152:profile|GlamorousChimpanzee22> using localhost I'm assuming it's minio, is the s3 path you're trying to access something like this: None <some file or dir> ?

one year ago
0 My Project Pipeline Is Runnung Well And Good But Instead Of Completed It Is Coming As Aborted After Complete Execution

That is not specific enough. Can you show the code? And ideally also the console log of the pipeline

one year ago
0 Hi, I Configured An On-Prem File Server For Clearml Which Is Mounted On My Pc.

The line before the last in your code snippet above. pipe.start_locally .

2 years ago
0 How To Version Models While Training In Production

Hey @<1639074542859063296:profile|StunningSwallow12> what exactly do you mean by "training in production"? Maybe you can elaborate what kind of models too.

ClearML in general assigns a unique Model ID to each model, but if you need some other way of versioning, we have support for custom tags, and you can apply those programmatically on the model

one year ago
0 Quick Question - Does Clearml'S Task Support Subprocesses Launched Within A Script? I Have This Scenario

Yes, you can do that. But it may make it harder to identify the task later on

one year ago
0 Hello. I Want To Update An Artifact In A Task (A Pandas Data Frame). I Do This With

Also, make sure you use Task.init instead of task.init

2 years ago
0 If You'Re Paying For The Premium Features Would Those Be Available To A Self Hosted Server Or Only On The Web Client?

For on-premise deployment with premium features we have the enterprise plan 😉

one year ago
0 Hi Team,

Hello @<1533257278776414208:profile|SuperiorCockroach75> , thanks for asking. It’s actually unsupervised, because modern LLMs are all trained to predict next/missing words, which is an unsupervised method

one year ago
0 Is There An External Way To Access Pipelinecontroller._Relaunch_Node(Node) ?

Hey @<1639799308809146368:profile|TritePigeon86> , given that you want to retry on connection error, wouldn't it be easier to use retry_on_failure from PipelineController / PipelineDecorator.pipeline None ?

one year ago
0 My Project Pipeline Is Runnung Well And Good But Instead Of Completed It Is Coming As Aborted After Complete Execution

Hey @<1554275802437128192:profile|CumbersomeBee33> , aborted usually means that someone manually stopped the pipeline or one of it's experiments. Can you provide us with the code you used to run it?

one year ago
0 Input_Model = C_Model.Query_Models(Project_Name="A/B", Model_Name="B", Tags=["Pipeline", "Modelval:Tocheck"]) # Path_To_Last_Weights = Input_Model[0].Download_Model_Weights() Path_To_

I can't quite reproduce your issue. From the traceback it seems it has something to do with torch.load . I tried both your code snippet and creating a PyTorch model and then loading it, neither led to this error.

Could you provide a code snippet that is more like the code that is causing the issue? Also, can you please tell what clearml version are you using, and what is the Model URL in the UI? You can use the same filters in UI as the ones you used for Model.query_models to find th...

one year ago
0 Hi! I Am Trying To Build And Run A Pipeline. I Pass My Dataset As Parameter Of Pipeline:

Hey @<1523704757024198656:profile|MysteriousWalrus11> , given your use case, did you consider passing the path to the dataset? Like an address to an S3 bucket

2 years ago
0 Is It Possible To Serve Model With Frontend Html Page To Allow Input To Be Entered. Something Like Image Upload To Predict Number On It For Minst Dataset

To my knowledge, no. You'd have to create your own front-end and use the model served with clearml-serving via an API

one year ago
0 Quick Question - Does Clearml'S Task Support Subprocesses Launched Within A Script? I Have This Scenario

Hey @<1535069219354316800:profile|PerplexedRaccoon19> , yes it does. Take a look at this example, and let me know if there are any more questions: None

one year ago
0 I Know At Least One Other Person Has Posted About This Previously, But When I Interact With

It happens due to an internal use of Dataset.get , the larger the dataset, the more verbose it will be. We’ll fix this in the upcoming releases

one year ago
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