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0 Questions, 96 Answers
  Active since 18 February 2023
  Last activity one year ago


0 Hi, I Configured An On-Prem File Server For Clearml Which Is Mounted On My Pc.

The line before the last in your code snippet above. pipe.start_locally .

one year ago
0 Hi, We Would Like To Incorporate Some Approval Process In Clearml. One Of The Needs Is To Attach Some Pdfs And Word Docs To A Published Experiment, Preferbly Through The Web Ui. The Attachments Could Be In The Form Of The Actual Files, Or Links To The Fil

This sounds like a use case for the enterprise version of ClearML. In it you can set read/write permissions. Publishing is considered a "write", so you can limit who can do it. Another thing that might be useful in your scenario is to try using "Reports", and connect the "approved" experiments info to a report and then publish it. Here's a short video introducing reports .

By the way, please note that if the experiment/report/whatever is publis...

one year ago
0 Hi Team,

Hello @<1533257278776414208:profile|SuperiorCockroach75> , thanks for asking. It’s actually unsupervised, because modern LLMs are all trained to predict next/missing words, which is an unsupervised method

one year ago
0 Hi, I Configured An On-Prem File Server For Clearml Which Is Mounted On My Pc.

What happens if you comment or remove the pipe.set_default_execution_queue('default') and use run_locally instead of start_locally ?

Because in the current setup, you are basically asking to run the pipeline controller task locally, while the rest of the steps need to run on an agent machine. If you do the changes I suggested above, you will be able to run everything on your local machine.

one year ago
0 Hello, I Saw, That Clearml Data Was Integrated Into Yolov5

To link a dataset to a task you need to pass the alias= parameter to the Dataset.get . See here: https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/clearml_data/clearml_data_sdk#accessing-datasets

one year ago
0 Hey There! I Kindly Ask For Your Swarm Knowledge On Clearml Pipelines. I'M Trying To Setup A Simple Pipeline With A Controller Running On The Service-Queue And Three Tasks, That Are Added With

Hey @<1547390438648844288:profile|ScaryJellyfish75> , can you provide the whole code for the pipeline, and also mention what clearml version are you using?

one year ago
0 Hello Guys, I Have 4 Workers (2 In Default And 2 In Service Queue On Same Machine) And Running A Cron Job Of Data Preparation.It Works Well For About 3 Days But After That Tasks Are Getting Failed By Their Own With Given Below Error.Can Anyone Help Me O

Hey @<1526734437587357696:profile|ShaggySquirrel23> , what version of the clearml-agent are you using? Also, if I were you I’d check how much free disk there’s on the machine running the agents

one year ago
0 My Project Pipeline Is Runnung Well And Good But Instead Of Completed It Is Coming As Aborted After Complete Execution

Hey @<1554275802437128192:profile|CumbersomeBee33> , aborted usually means that someone manually stopped the pipeline or one of it's experiments. Can you provide us with the code you used to run it?

one year ago
0 Hi Team,

Hey @<1533257278776414208:profile|SuperiorCockroach75> , we do both, and much more 🙂

one year ago
0 Hello, I Saw, That Clearml Data Was Integrated Into Yolov5

Hey Pawel, thanks for opening the PR on Ultralytics’ side. The full support should come from them, so if it’s missing for YOLOv8 it means they didn’t enable it. Still , you can try clearml-task for auto-logging support in case of remote execution .

Also, I’d say you could easily have the possibility to use a ClearML dataset id as input to YOLOv8 with a few lines of code by basically downloading/ get ing the dataset by id yourself and passing the path to it as input to the ultralytics...

one year ago
0 Hi Guys, I Have A Question Regarding Model Tracking. I Have Pipelines That Use Xgboost Through The Scikit-Learn Api To Perform:

Hey @<1569858449813016576:profile|JumpyRaven4> , about your first point, what exactly is the question?

About your second point - you can try to manually save the final model and give it a proper file name, that way we will show it in the UI with the name you provided. Make sure to use xgboost.save_model and not raw pickle.

For your final question , given that your models have customised code, I can suggest trying to use clearml.OutputModel which will register the file you provide ...

one year ago
0 How To Version Models While Training In Production

This sounds like you don't have clearml installed in the ubuntu container. Either this, or your clearml.conf in the container is not pointing to the server, as a result all information is missing.

I'd rather suggest you change the approach, and run a clearml-agent setup with docker and when you want to run YOLOv5 training you actually execute it remotely on the queue that the agent is listening to

9 months ago
0 Hi I Am Having Issue With Pipeline. Even My Every Task Of Pipeline Is Completed, My Core Pipeline Controller Is Still Running. I Have Added Pipe.Wait() And Pipe.Stop() As Well. Attached Pic Shows The Pipeline In Running State, And Tasks In Completed Stat

I see you want to use the services queue for both the pipeline controller and pipeline steps, but you have only one worker/agent listening to this queue. In this case you need at least 2 agents listening to the services queue. Try spawning an additional agent that listens to this queue and let me know how it goes .

one year ago
0 Hi Guys, I Have A Question Regarding Model Tracking. I Have Pipelines That Use Xgboost Through The Scikit-Learn Api To Perform:

This is the method you're looking for None . But make sure you have a model saved on disk before using it. And if you don't want the model to be deleted from disk after it, make sure to set auto_delete_file=False

one year ago
0 Is It Possible To Serve Model With Frontend Html Page To Allow Input To Be Entered. Something Like Image Upload To Predict Number On It For Minst Dataset

To my knowledge, no. You'd have to create your own front-end and use the model served with clearml-serving via an API

one year ago
0 Hi Again! Are There Way Of Uploading Your Model Architecture To Clearml, And Not The Weights. Would Like To Easily Compare Different Experiments With Slightly Different Architectures And See The Difference In How Data Flows Through The Model.

Hey @<1671689458606411776:profile|StormySeaturtle98> we do support something called "Model Design" previews, basically an architecture description of the model, a la Caffe protobufs. None For example we store this info automatically with Keras

9 months ago
0 My Project Pipeline Is Runnung Well And Good But Instead Of Completed It Is Coming As Aborted After Complete Execution

Is this a jupyter notebook or something ? Can you download it properly as either a .ipynb or .py file?

one year ago
0 Hello Guys I Have A Question About Local Cache Right Now Im Trying To Store In Cache A Pretty Large Dataset (Over 20Mil Files And 3Tb Of Data) I Use A

Hey @<1577468626967990272:profile|PerplexedDolphin99> , yes, this method call will help you limit the number of files you have in your cache, but not the total size of your cache. To be able to control the size, I’d recommend checking the ~/clearml.conf file in the sdk.storage.cache section

one year ago
one year ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

Hey @<1523701949617147904:profile|PricklyRaven28> , about the S3 loading issue. The path to the model in the artifact tab, is it an S3 bucket or a local path?

one year ago
0 Hey Guys

Hey, yes, the reason for this issue seems to be our currently limited support for lightning 2.0. We will improve the support in the following releases. Right now one way to circumvent this issue, that I can recommend, is to use torch.save if possible, because we fully support automatic model capture on torch.save calls.

one year ago
0 Hey Guys

Can you please check with the latest 1.10.2 SDK version if the checkpointing issue still happens. As for the example code which couldn't be reproduced, we're already working on it and should have a fix for it for the next minor SDK version

one year ago
0 Hi! Is There Any Way To Add Git-Like Ignore File For Versioning Clearml Data? I Saw In Docs A Wildcard Argument When Files Are Added To A Dataset. How Can I Specify Ignoring Of Some File Types? For Example, I Want To Ignore Ipynb Checkpoints. How Can I Do

clearml-data also supports glob patterns, so if you have your dataset files in the same directory as the experiment code, you can do something like clearml-data add --files *.csv and only add the CSV files.

There's no .gitignore-like functionality because clearml-data is not meant to track everything, and you need to be deliberate in what exactly you're adding. Hope this clarifies things.

9 months ago
0 Hey Guys

It may indeed be, thanks for letting us know, we’ll try to replicate it

one year ago
0 Hi Team,

This is doing fine-tuning. Training a multi-billion parameter model from scratch would be economically unfeasible for most of existing enterprises

one year ago
0 Is There An External Way To Access Pipelinecontroller._Relaunch_Node(Node) ?

Hey @<1639799308809146368:profile|TritePigeon86> , given that you want to retry on connection error, wouldn't it be easier to use retry_on_failure from PipelineController / PipelineDecorator.pipeline None ?

9 months ago
0 Hi, I Configured An On-Prem File Server For Clearml Which Is Mounted On My Pc.

Ok, then launch an agent using clearml-agent daemon --queue default that way your steps will be sent to the agent for execution. Note that in this case, you shouldn't change your code snippet in any way.

one year ago
0 My Project Pipeline Is Runnung Well And Good But Instead Of Completed It Is Coming As Aborted After Complete Execution

That is not specific enough. Can you show the code? And ideally also the console log of the pipeline

one year ago
0 Hi! I Am Trying To Build And Run A Pipeline. I Pass My Dataset As Parameter Of Pipeline:

Hey @<1523704757024198656:profile|MysteriousWalrus11> , given your use case, did you consider passing the path to the dataset? Like an address to an S3 bucket

one year ago
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