Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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32 Questions, 118 Answers
  Active since 11 March 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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0 Votes 3 Answers 999 Views
I ran into something that I'd describe and an error but I want to verify this to be the case first. The error seems to be produced if I call output_model.upd...
one year ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 932 Views
Hello all. I'm generating an OutputModel in one task and using it as an InputModel for another task. Since there's already a timestamp on the model creation ...
one year ago
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0 In My Current Project I Generate The Data From An Sql Query. Is The Only Way To Register The Dataset With Clearml To Write The Files To Disk First Or Is There Another Method? This Leads Into The Second Issue I Have, Which Is What Happens When I Store The

The verbose output:

Generating SHA2 hash for 123 files
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 123/123 [00:00<00:00, 310.04it/s]
Hash generation completed
Add 2022-12.csv
Add 2020-10.csv
Add 2021-06.csv
Add 2022-02.csv
Add 2021-04.csv
Add 2013-03.csv
Add 2021-02.csv
Add 2015-02.csv
Add 2016-07.csv
Add 2022-05.csv
Add 2021-10.csv
Add 2018-04.csv
Add 2019-06.csv
Add 2017-11.csv
Add 2016-01.csv
Add 2013-06.csv
Add 2018-08.csv
Add 2020-05.csv
Add 2020-03.csv
Add 20...
one year ago
0 In My Current Project I Generate The Data From An Sql Query. Is The Only Way To Register The Dataset With Clearml To Write The Files To Disk First Or Is There Another Method? This Leads Into The Second Issue I Have, Which Is What Happens When I Store The

This is odd, the ordering of the files is different and there appears to be some missing from the preview. But as far as I can tell the files aren't different. What am I missing here?

one year ago
0 I'Ve Noticed A Change From Clearml

@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> I spoke too soon. It does resolve the error I posted but it introduces a new error. While this error does seem to be related to VS Code the strange thing is it doesn't occur if I run it with earlier versions of clearml .

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/natephysics/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/lib/python/debugpy/_vendo...
8 months ago
0 I'M Trying To Understand The Difference Between Tasks And Pipelines. I Get The Big Picture But The Thing I Struggle To Understand Is The Interplay In The Code Itself. If You Set Up A Pipeline You Wouldn'T Include A Task Init? Or Is There A Reason To Use B

Thanks for your reply @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> Is there an example where a pipeline is built from existing tasks? I'd like to experiment with it and I don' t see any examples of what you describe with my (clearly lacking) google-fu. What happens if you wrap a function with a task.init() with a pipeline decorator or is that the process you're speaking of?

one year ago
0 I'M A Bit Confused. It Seems Like Something Has Changed With How Clearml Handles Recording Datasets In Tasks. It Used To Be The Case That When I Would Create A Dataset Under A Task, Clearml Would Record The Id Of The Dataset In The Hyperparameters/Datase

The plot thickens. It seems like there's something odd going on with the interaction between [LTV] and additional text. If I just search [LTV] it works, if I just search Dataset Test it works, but if I put them together it breaks the search. Now that I think about it, there's other oddities that seem to happen in the web interface that might be explained by some bugs around using brackets in names.

one year ago
0 Hello All, I Want To Clarify Something. In The

Should I post this in dev?

6 months ago
0 In My Current Project I Generate The Data From An Sql Query. Is The Only Way To Register The Dataset With Clearml To Write The Files To Disk First Or Is There Another Method? This Leads Into The Second Issue I Have, Which Is What Happens When I Store The

Thanks for the reply @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> !

It says in the documentation that:
Add a folder into the current dataset. calculate file hash, and compare against parent, mark files to be uploaded

It seems to recognize the dataset as another version of the data but doesn't seem to be validating the hashes on a per file basis. Also, if you look at the photo, it seems like some of the data does get recognized as the same as the prior data. It seems like it's the correct...

one year ago
0 I'M A Bit Confused. It Seems Like Something Has Changed With How Clearml Handles Recording Datasets In Tasks. It Used To Be The Case That When I Would Create A Dataset Under A Task, Clearml Would Record The Id Of The Dataset In The Hyperparameters/Datase

Yes, it indeed appears to be a regex issue. If I run:

                partial_name=re.escape('[LTV] Dataset Test'),

It works as expected. I'm not sure how raw you want to leave the partial_name features. I could create a PR to fix this but would you want me to re.escape at the list_datasets() level? Or go deeper and do it at `Task._query_task...

one year ago
0 In My Current Project I Generate The Data From An Sql Query. Is The Only Way To Register The Dataset With Clearml To Write The Files To Disk First Or Is There Another Method? This Leads Into The Second Issue I Have, Which Is What Happens When I Store The

I have manually verified that the line-by-line content of the csv files is identical using hashlib.sha256(). Why would it be that the file content is the same, they are generated by the same process (literally just rerunning the same code twice) but ClearML treats them differently.

one year ago
0 Hello All. I'M Generating An Outputmodel In One Task And Using It As An Inputmodel For Another Task. Since There'S Already A Timestamp On The Model Creation Date, Is There A Way To Get The Date From The Inputmodel?

Thanks Martin. I read this method as "getting the data associated with the model training" not "getting metadata for the model". This is what I'm looking for.

one year ago
0 Hi All, I'M Generating Pipelines From Tasks And There'S A Step That Requires Providing Outputs From The Parent Task To The Child, But I'D Like To Pass It As A Single List Of Values. I Was Planning To Use Parameter_Override To Pass A List Of Values, Each

I will add a gh issue. Is this part open source? Could I make a PR?

In the mean time I still need to implement this with the current version of ClearML. So the only way would be to have one variable per parent? Is there any smarter way to work around it?

one year ago
0 I'M Running Into A Perplexing Issue. I Have Several Agents Running On A Workstation, I Also Am Directly Running Code From The Same Workstation. There Are Several Projects On The Workstation But One Of The Projects Is Struggling With Authentication To Git

I think this error occurred for me because when I first authenticated with the project I was using username/password and later I transitioned to using ssh keys. That's why clearing the cache worked.

Did you validate that branch exists on remote?

6 months ago
0 I'M A Bit Confused. It Seems Like Something Has Changed With How Clearml Handles Recording Datasets In Tasks. It Used To Be The Case That When I Would Create A Dataset Under A Task, Clearml Would Record The Id Of The Dataset In The Hyperparameters/Datase

I see. Thanks for the insight. That seems to be the case. I'm struggling a bit with datasets. For example, if I wanted to trace the genealogy of a dataset that's used by traditional tasks and pipelines. I'll try and write something up about the challenges around that when I get the chance. But your comment revealed another issue:

It appears that the partial name matching isn't going well. I'm unclear why this wouldn't be matching. In the attached photo you can see the input for `partial_nam...

one year ago
0 I'M Running Into A Perplexing Issue. I Have Several Agents Running On A Workstation, I Also Am Directly Running Code From The Same Workstation. There Are Several Projects On The Workstation But One Of The Projects Is Struggling With Authentication To Git
1707128614082 bigbrother:gpu0 INFO task 59d23c5919b04fd6947c1e463fa8c78c pulled from 9890a035b8f84872ab18d7ff207c26c6 by worker bigbrother:gpu0

Current configuration (clearml_agent v1.7.0, location: /tmp/.clearml_agent.vo_oc47r.cfg):
agent.worker_id = bigbrother:gpu0
agent.worker_name = bigbrother
agent.force_git_ssh_protocol = true
agent.python_binary = /home/natephysics/anaconda3/bin/python
agent.package_manager.type = pip
agent.package_manager.pip_version.0 = ...
7 months ago
0 I'M Running Into A Perplexing Issue. I Have Several Agents Running On A Workstation, I Also Am Directly Running Code From The Same Workstation. There Are Several Projects On The Workstation But One Of The Projects Is Struggling With Authentication To Git

Is it possible the cached repository was cloned before you changed your agent settings?

Which settings are you referring to? I can't remember if I was using https auth when the project would have been first cached. Would that make a difference?

Also, did you set

agent.enable_git_ask_pass: true


The only instance of it in the config is commented out.

    # if set, use GIT_ASKPASS to pass user/pass when cloning / fetch repositories
    # it solves pas...
7 months ago
0 In My Current Project I Generate The Data From An Sql Query. Is The Only Way To Register The Dataset With Clearml To Write The Files To Disk First Or Is There Another Method? This Leads Into The Second Issue I Have, Which Is What Happens When I Store The

Alright, I tried testing it out by commenting out the code for generating new csv's, so for successive runs the CSVs are identical. However, when I use dataset.add_files() it still generated a new version of the dataset.

# log the data to ClearML if a task is passed
        if self.task:
            self.clearml_dataset = Dataset.create(dataset_name="[LTV] Dataset")
            self.clearml_dataset.add_files(path=save_path, verbose=True)
            if self.tags is not None:
one year ago
0 Hi All, I'Ve Been Experimenting Around With Automating The Data Sync. This Is Related To This Thread:

Hi again @<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> ,

The approach you suggested seems to be working albeit with one issue. It does correctly identify the different versions of the dataset when new data is added, but I get an error when I try and finalize the dataset:


        if self.task:
            # get the parent dataset from the project
            parent = self.clearml_dataset = Dataset.get(
                dataset_name="[LTV] Dataset",
one year ago
0 Why Is One Of The Ghosts From Packman In The Corner Of My Workspace Folders?

Ah, that makes sense. What is supposed to be hidden changes depending on the section your in, which makes sense. Now there needs to a packman sprite easter egg hidden somewhere else.

6 months ago
0 Hello All, I Want To Clarify Something. In The

I figured you'd say that so I went ahead with that PR. I got it working but I'm going to test it a bit further.

6 months ago
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