depend on how the agent is launched ...
just saw that repo: who are coder
? That not the vscode developer team is it ?
one specify the venv python, the other tell it to not do anything
Just keep in mind my your bottleneck will be the transfer rate. So mounting will not save you anything as you still need to transfer the whole dataset sooner or later to your GPU instance.
One solution is as Jake suggest. The other can be pre-download the data to your instance with a CPU only cheap instance type, then restart the instance with GPU.
Are you running within a zero-trust environment like ZScaler ?
Feels like your issue is not ClearML itself, but issue with https/SSL and certificate from your zero-trust system
Can you share the agent log, in the console tab, before the error?
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> Is there a way to tell clearml to not try to detect the Installed package ?
we are not using docker compose. We are deploying in Azure with each database as a standalone service
I tried mounting azure storage account on that path and it worked: all files end up in the cloud storage
you should know where your latest model is located then just call task.upload_artifact
on that file ?
the agent inside the docker compose is just a handy one to serve a service queue where you can queue all your "clean up" tasks that are not deep learning related, using only a bit of CPU
inside the script that launch the agent, I set all the env need (aka disable installation with the var above)
@<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> Is it even possible to have the server storing file to a given blob storage ?
@<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> It's working !! Thank you very much !!! Clearml is awesome !!!!
I also have the same issue. Default argument are fine but all supplied argument in command line become duplicated !
how di you provide credentials to clearml and git ?
Oh, so you mean CLEARML_AGENT_SKIP_PIP_VENV_INSTALL=/path/to/my/venv/bin/python3
Should I put that in the clearml.conf file?
have you try a different browser ?
following this thread as it happen every now and then that clearml miss some package for some reason ...
Should i open a feature request?
To "attach" that zip to the model, do you just use the update_weight and point to that zip file?
not sure if related but clearml 1.14 tend to not "show" the gpu_type
oh ... maybe the bottleneck is augmentation in CPU !
But is it normal that the agent don't detect the GPU count and type properly ?
So we have 3 python package, store in
On the dev machine, the datascientist (DS) will add the local ssh key to his github account as authorized ssh keys, account level.
With the DS can run git clone
then install that python package via pip install -e .
Do that for all 3 python packages, each in its own repo1
, repo2
and repo3
. All 3 can be clone using the same key that the DS added to his account.
The DS run a tra...