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29 Questions, 215 Answers
  Active since 05 June 2023
  Last activity 16 days ago



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0 Votes 0 Answers 679 Views
11 months ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 506 Views
Hi, with a given task ID, how do I get all the information of the tab "INFO" in the Python SDK ? I struggle to find that in the doc None
9 months ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 612 Views
Hi team, how to you use MicroMamba and pip together with ClearML ?
one year ago
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3 Answers
0 Votes 3 Answers 674 Views
Hi. We have Task that generate trained model in pth but our downstream pipeline is using omnx file and an custom generated yaml file. Currently, when the tra...
one year ago
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11 Answers
0 Votes 11 Answers 305 Views
How to use ZScaler (or custom certificate) with ClearML ? I installed the ZScaler certificate into the OS system. curl is happy with it. boto3 too but then c...
6 months ago
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18 Answers
0 Votes 18 Answers 789 Views
one year ago
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1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 673 Views
Security issue: I have deployed a clearml server on prem with docker. I set the user credential in /opt/clearml/config/apiserver.conf That work fine: you nee...
one year ago
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5 Answers
0 Votes 5 Answers 603 Views
9 months ago
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2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 272 Views
Just want to post it here before raising a github issue: there seems to be a regression bug since clearml 1.13.0 where out training in GPU is 2x slower in ou...
4 months ago
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15 Answers
0 Votes 15 Answers 616 Views
Is there a way to tell the agent to use a specific venv pre installed ? Like the one already installed in the developer PC and the agent is running inside th...
11 months ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 633 Views
From the python code point of view, how do you detect if it is running locally or via clearml-agent ?
10 months ago
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10 Answers
0 Votes 10 Answers 993 Views
How to tell clearML server to use cloud storage (Azure)? I have a clearML server deployed with docker-compose. As per instruction here , I added the file /op...
one year ago
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9 Answers
0 Votes 9 Answers 788 Views
I am struggling a bit to understand the use case of a pipeline: Let say you have step1 -> step2 -> step3 What is the point to use pipeline feature versus hav...
one year ago
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4 Answers
0 Votes 4 Answers 810 Views
What are project default output ? That the default output_uri set on the server side ? Can I use azure blob storage ?
one year ago
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2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 698 Views
Do you have a documentation about how ClearML detect required python package ? In my case, I use mamba env and clearml seems to be mis-detect some packages ....
one year ago
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3 Answers
0 Votes 3 Answers 192 Views
Hi, I am using mmpretain and wondering how do ClearML integrate with it ? I used: Runner( ..., visualizer=dict(type='Visualizer', vis_backends=[dict(type='Cl...
3 months ago
0 Votes
4 Answers
0 Votes 4 Answers 614 Views
clearnl failed to detect custom packages livsdk installed from git. I have a dev venv where I start initial clearml task. In this dev venv, I have custom pac...
11 months ago
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4 Answers
0 Votes 4 Answers 613 Views
10 months ago
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0 Votes 5 Answers 374 Views
Hi, in our use case, we use multiple github repo from our organization as dependent package. The issue is that github allow only one uniq ssh deploy key per ...
6 months ago
0 Votes
5 Answers
0 Votes 5 Answers 209 Views
I have weird issue with clearml agent: when queue a job for a second time on the same agent, it get Executing task id [43cc0c9e1f794f53a148bde3fff03cc9]: rep...
3 months ago
0 Votes
4 Answers
0 Votes 4 Answers 714 Views
I had a good look at all the introduction video on youtube and had some questions. Context: if we are going to deploy and maintain ClearML servers our self i...
one year ago
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13 Answers
0 Votes 13 Answers 62 Views
Question about Pipeline : my setup is as follow: - Step1: train_foo.py (which import config from other .py) => generate a model.pt - Step2: gen_bar.py + mode...
16 days ago
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2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 685 Views
Experiment Environment Containers Tutorial : I create a docker image with: $ clearml-agent build --id d8162747eb2d4453bba9778851d1e120 --docker --target new_...
one year ago
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6 Answers
0 Votes 6 Answers 328 Views
Hi, We have an agent running inside a Nvidia official container. The agent seems to see the GPU driver but the GPU count is 0 When I join that container, nvi...
4 months ago
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2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 713 Views
We have deployed our own ClearML server in Azure. We have 2 separate address for the api and web server. Both serving at port 443 In the local PC config file...
11 months ago
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4 Answers
0 Votes 4 Answers 300 Views
@<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> I just saw the new release of the agent 1.8.1 : None > Fix git pulling on cached invalid git entry. On error...
2 months ago
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1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 625 Views
Is there a way for clearml to assign semantic version to model automatically like mlfow does?
one year ago
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10 Answers
0 Votes 10 Answers 681 Views
Another questions related to requirements.txt We use pip install with git commit. Eg: mylib @ When I do task.add_requirements("requirements.txt") I get # Pyt...
one year ago
0 Votes
8 Answers
0 Votes 8 Answers 671 Views
Also from the python sdk, is there a way to specify the clearml.conf file to use ? Like the equivalent of --config-file for cleaml-agent ?
10 months ago
0 Has Anyone Ran Into The Following Error While Running The Clearml-Serving-Inference Docker Container After Entering All The Correct Credentials?

you may want to share your config (with credential redacted) and the full docker compose start up log ?

10 months ago
0 Hello! I'M Trying To Figure Out How To Deploy A Scheduled Pipeline. I Have A Sample Pipeline Here

normally, you should have a agent running behind a "services" queue, as part of your docker-compose. You just need to make sure that you populate the appropriate configuration on the Server (aka set the right environment variable for the docker services)
That agent will run as long as your self-hosted server is running

11 months ago
0 Hi, Can You Help Me With This? Thanks In Advance.

you are forcing ssh with force_git_ssh_protocol: true
Have you setup ssh keys ?
If you are using ssh keys, why enable_git_ask_pass: true ?

2 months ago
0 Can Anyone Recommend A Good Workflow For

what is the difference between vscode via clearml-session and vscode via remote ssh extension ?

11 months ago
0 Hi All! I'Ve Been Using The Clearml Agent In Tandem With My Self-Hosted Clearml Server On My Own Hardware. I'M Noticing That The Files Created By The Agent, E.G. Model Checkpoints, Debug Samples, Etc, Are Read Only To To The Agent'S Group. I'M Wondering I

You can either set your user permission to allow group write by default ?
Or maybe create a dedicated user with group write permission and run the agent with that user ?

2 months ago
0 Hello, I Am Struggling Understanding The Docs And Hope I Can Get A Quick Answer Here: Is It Possible To Utilise Multiple Gpus In Parallel For Hyperparameter Optimization For The Same Base Experiment Without The Pro Plan? I Started An Agent With Clearml-Ag

--gpus 0,1 : I believe this basically say that your code launched by the agent has access to both GPUs and that is it. Now it is up to your code to choose which GPU to use and what not and how ...

9 months ago
0 I Have Weird Issue With Clearml Agent: When Queue A Job For A Second Time On The Same Agent, It Get

I will try it. But it's a bit random when this happen so ... We will see

3 months ago
0 I Have Weird Issue With Clearml Agent: When Queue A Job For A Second Time On The Same Agent, It Get

@<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> I can confirm that v1.8.1rc2 fixed the issue in our case. I manage to reproduce it:

  • Do a local commit without pushing
  • Create task and queue it
  • The queue task failed as expected as the commit is only local
  • Push your local commit
  • Requeue the task
  • Expecting that the task succeeed as the commit is avail: but it fails as the vcs seems to be in weird state from previous failure
  • Now with v1.8.1rc2 the issue is solved
2 months ago
0 I Have Set

from the logs, it feels like after git clone, it spend minutes without outputting anything. @<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> Do you know what is the agent suppose to do after git clone ?
I guess a check that all packages is installed ? But then with CLEARML_AGENT_SKIP_PYTHON_ENV_INSTALL=1, what is the agent doing ??

2 months ago
0 Hi! I'M Running A Clearml Task Remotely. It Runs A Python Machine Learning Evaluation Script In Repo A. The Script Depends On A Module Which Is Defined In Another One Of My Company'S Repos: Repo B. The File Structure Of The Module In Repo B Is As Follows

so the issue is that for some reason, the pip install by the agent don't behave the same way as your local pip install ?
Have you tried to manually install your module_b with pip install inside the machine that is running clearml-agent ? Seeing your example, looks like you are even running inside docker ?

10 months ago
10 months ago
0 Hi


3 months ago
0 I Have Set

you should be able to see int the Console tab that show what is happening

2 months ago
0 Hi Everyone! I Discovered That Uploading Model Artifacts At Each Checkpoint To The Clearml Server Significantly Slows Down Training. So I Set

you should be able to explicitly upload a file of your choice as artefact using something like this: None

one year ago
0 Another Questions Related To

Ok. Found the solution.
The importance is to use this:

task = Task.init(project_name='hieutest', task_name='foo',reuse_last_task_id=False)

And not:

task = Task.init(project_name='hieutest', task_name='foo',reuse_last_task_id=False)
one year ago
0 Hello, All. I’Ve Recently Started Experiencing A Weird Issue With Arg Parsing Where Any String Values Are Being Repeated As Lists Of Strings When The Values Are Sent To The Clearml Server (See Attached Screenshot). I Believe This Issue Started Around The

Solved @<1533620191232004096:profile|NuttyLobster9> . In my case:
I need to from clearml import Task very early in the code (like first line), before importing argparse
And not calling task.connect(parser)

one year ago
0 Hello, I Am Struggling Understanding The Docs And Hope I Can Get A Quick Answer Here: Is It Possible To Utilise Multiple Gpus In Parallel For Hyperparameter Optimization For The Same Base Experiment Without The Pro Plan? I Started An Agent With Clearml-Ag

what about having 2 agents, one on each GPU, on the same machine, serving the same queue ? So that when you enqueue, which ever agent (thus GPU) available will take the new task

9 months ago
0 Hi All, I Have Deployed A Clearml Server With Docker To One Of Our Local Machine. I Had Set Up The Filesserver Folder As Mount Point To The Cloud. How Easy Is It To Migrate Our Existing Experiments Later On To A Clearml Server That We Deploy In The Cloud

So if i spin up a new clearml server in the cloud and use the same file server mount point, i will see all task and expriment that i had on the in prem server in the cloud server?

one year ago
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