i need clearml.conf on my clearml server (in config folder which is mounted in docker-compose) or user PC? Or Both?
Its self hosted S3 thats all I know, i dont think it s Minio
@<1523703436166565888:profile|DeterminedCrab71> Thanks for responding
It was unclear to me that I need to set 443 also everywhere in clearml.conf
Setting s3 host urls with 443 in clearml.conf and also in web UI made it work
Im now almost at the finish line. The last thing that would be great is to fix archived task deletion.
For some reason i have error of missing S3 keys in clearml docker compose logs, the folder / files are not deleted in S3 bucket.
You can see how storage_credentials.co...
- Here is how client side clearml.conf looks like together with the script im using to create the tasks. Uploads seems to work and is fixed thanks to you guys 🙌
WebApp: 1.16.0-494 • Server: 1.16.0-494 • API: 2.30
But be careful, upgrading is extremely dangerous
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> Updated webserver and the problem still persists
This is the new stack:
WebApp: 1.15.1-478 • Server: 1.14.1-451 • API: 2.28
notice, we didnt update API (we had running experiments)
Yes, credetials seems to work
Im trying to figure out not why I dont see the uploaded files / folders
- I checked maybe clearml task uses fileserver instead but i dont see any files in fileserver folder
- Nothing is uploaded in bucket (i will ask IT guy to check if im uploading any files in logs)
ok, slight update. It seems like artifacts are uploading now to bucket. Maybe my folder explorer used old cache or something.
However, reported images are uploaded to fileserver instead of s3
here is the script im using to test things. Thanks
Sounds similar to our issue? We have self hosted S3
The problem is that clearml.conf s3 config doesnt support empty region field, even empty strings crashes it