Hi @<1590514584836378624:profile|AmiableSeaturtle81> , the hotfix should right around the corner 🙂
This is unrelated to your routers. There are two things at play here. The configuration of WHERE the data will go - output_uri
and the other is the clearml.conf
that you need to setup with credentials. I am telling you, you are setting it wrong. Please follow documentation.
As I wrote, you need to remove the s3 from the start of the host section..
Yes, credetials seems to work
Im trying to figure out not why I dont see the uploaded files / folders
- I checked maybe clearml task uses fileserver instead but i dont see any files in fileserver folder
- Nothing is uploaded in bucket (i will ask IT guy to check if im uploading any files in logs)
It looks like im moving forward
Setting url in clearml.conf without "s3" as suggested works (But I dont add port ther, not sure if it breaks something, we dont have a port)
host: " our-host.com "
Then in test_task.py
task: clearml.Task = clearml.Task.init(
output_uri=" None ",
I think connection is created
What im getting now is bucket error, i suppose I have to specify it somewhere?
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> Hello John, we are still unable to use clearml with our self hosted s3 CEPH instances, is there any update on the hotfix for 1.14?
@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> Setting it without http is not possible as it auto fills them back in
good morning, I tried the script you provided and Im getting somewhere
Can you add your full configurations again?
Hey, i see that 1.14.2 dropped
I tried it but the issue is still there, maybe the hotfix is in next patch?
Here is the setup so you can reproduce it (we dont have region field)
clearml.conf:s3 {
use_credentials_chain: false
credentials: [
host: "
s3.somehost.com "
bucket: "rnd-dev"
task: clearml.Task = clearml.Task.init(
None ",
2024-02-08 11:23:52,150 - clearml.storage - ERROR - Failed creating storage object
None Reason: Missing key and secret for S3 storage access (
None )
@<1590514584836378624:profile|AmiableSeaturtle81> , please see the section regarding minio in the documentation - None
unable to see the images with that link tho
Can you actually add the bucket to the credentials just to try it out?
Also, can you check that this snippet works for you (with your creds):
import boto3
import json
import six
key = ""
secret = ""
host = "our_host.com"
bucket_name = "bucket"
profile = None
filename = "test"
data = {"test": "data"}
boto_session = boto3.Session(aws_access_key_id=key, aws_secret_access_key=secret, profile_name=profile)
endpoint = "https://" + host
boto_resource = boto_session.resource("s3", region_name=None, endpoint_url=endpoint)
bucket = boto_resource.Bucket(bucket_name)
bucket.put_object(Key=filename, Body=six.b(json.dumps(data)))
We dont need a port
"s3" is part of url that is configured on our routers, without it we cannot connect
maybe someone on your end can try to parse such a config and see if they also have the same problem
clearml.conf is a fresh one i did clearml-init to make sure
digging deeper it seems like a parsing issue
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> Hello, im still unable to understand how to fix this
Hi, ok im really close now to working system
Debug image is uploading to s3, im seeing the files, all ok there
Problem now is viewing these images in web UI
Going to Debug Samples panel in Task drops me a popup to fill in s3 credentials
I cant figure out what the right setup is for the creds to work
This is what I have now (Note that we dont have region)
Hi @<1590514584836378624:profile|AmiableSeaturtle81> , any non-AWS S3-like storage must have a port in this setup, how did you configure the SDK?
Also the two ways you're showing are the same - the popup will fill in the details in the settings page
Hi @<1590514584836378624:profile|AmiableSeaturtle81> ! To help us debug this: are you able to simply use the boto3
python package to interact with your cluster?
If so, how does that code look like? This would give us some insight on how the config should actually look like or what changes need to be made.
@<1590514584836378624:profile|AmiableSeaturtle81> weren't you using https for the s3 host? maybe the issue has something to do with that?
Hi @<1590514584836378624:profile|AmiableSeaturtle81> self hosted S3 service must specify the protocol (http/https) and port, even for the default ones (80 / 443).
@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> Any news?
But there are stil some wierd issues, i cannot see the files uploaded in bucket