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123 × Eureka!Specifying it like this, gets me different error:
Exception has occurred: ValueError
- Insufficient permissions (delete failed) for None
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (IllegalLocationConstraintException) when calling the DeleteObject operation: The me-south-1 location constraint is incompatible for the region specific endpoint this request was sent to.
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
File "/home/ma...
Yes, credetials seems to work
Im trying to figure out not why I dont see the uploaded files / folders
- I checked maybe clearml task uses fileserver instead but i dont see any files in fileserver folder
- Nothing is uploaded in bucket (i will ask IT guy to check if im uploading any files in logs)
I solved the problem.
I had to add tensorboard loggger and pass it to pytorch_lightning trainer logger=logger
Is that normal?
We dont need a port
"s3" is part of url that is configured on our routers, without it we cannot connect
ok, then, I have a solution, but it still makes duplicate names
- new_dataset._dataset_link_entries = {} # Cleaning all raw/a.png files
- resize a.png and save it in another location named a_resized.png
- Add back other files i need (excluding raw/a.png), I add them to new_dataset._ dataset_link_entries
- Use add_external_files to include it in dataset. Im also using dataset_path=[a list of relative paths]
What I would expect:
100 Files removed (all a.png)
100 Files added (all a_resized.png)
When I look at LinkEntry object, link property is correct, no duplicates. Its relative_path thats duped and also key name in _dataset_link_entries
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> Hello John, we are still unable to use clearml with our self hosted s3 CEPH instances, is there any update on the hotfix for 1.14?
7 out of 30 GB is currently used and is quite stable
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> 👀
We had a similar problem. Clearml doesnt support data migration (not that I know of)
So you have two ways to fix this:
- Recreate the dataset when its already in Azure
- Edit each elasticsearch database file entry to point to new destination (we did this)
ClearML team should really write up some tutorial about this. I see this question weekly now. The short answer on what we did when we migrated servers was to wite a python script that takes data from clearml mongodb(stores tasks and datasets) and elastic (stores debug image urls, logs, scalars) and migrate them to other clearml instance databases
In which ui? Because there are two ways to do it. When clicking on artifacti url there is a popup (but has no way to change host url)
Our s3 host doesnt have port (didnt specify port in clearml.conf anywhere and upload works)
WebApp: 1.14.1-451 • Server: 1.14.1-451 • API: 2.28
Hey, i see that 1.14.2 dropped
I tried it but the issue is still there, maybe the hotfix is in next patch?
Here is the setup so you can reproduce it (we dont have region field)
clearml.conf:s3 {
use_credentials_chain: false
credentials: [
host: " "
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> It it still needed since Eugene thinks there is a bug?
It is also possible to just make a copy of all the database files and move them to another server
also, when uploading artifacts, I see where they are stored on the s3 bucket, but I cant find where the debug images are stored at
- is 50GB elastisearch normal? Have you seen it. elsewhere or are we doing something wrong, one thing I think is that we are probably logging too frequently
- Is it possible to somehow clean up this?
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> Hello, im still unable to understand how to fix this
there is a typing in clearm.conf i sent you on like 87, there should be "key" not "ey" im aware of it
This is what I see on fresh clearml
Where all my mounts are on /mnt/data/clearml-server instead of /opt/clearml
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> Still unable to understand what im doing wrong.
We have self hosted S3 Ceph storage server
Setting my config like this breaks task.init