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31 Questions, 117 Answers
  Active since 14 July 2023
  Last activity 25 days ago



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114 × Eureka!
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0 Votes 3 Answers 241 Views
Hey clearml team, would be nice to include dataset hash when using clearml-data cli. Is the order of --ids the same as returned rows?
one month ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 363 Views
Another annoying problem we have is that task deletion doesnt delete any files at all. I have selected deletion of images But nothing is deleted. I have to w...
6 months ago
0 Votes
25 Answers
0 Votes 25 Answers 367 Views
6 months ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 716 Views
Is there a reason that im not seeing any side panels? Following this tutorial: None
one year ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 104 Views
Is this a bug? Clearml version 1.26.4 im passing a list of S3 urls to add_external_files The list is about 1K of files, but only 7 are uploaded (only unique ...
one month ago
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1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 123 Views
one month ago
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1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 279 Views
Is this a bug when doing clearml-agent init? When it asks for you to specify file-store if I put None it will fails to understant that its and S3 storage and...
4 months ago
0 Votes
3 Answers
0 Votes 3 Answers 203 Views
All of our users suddenly cant log in. We get 401, existing logged users are fine, but once logged out cant log back in. Here is what webserver says in logs:...
25 days ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 731 Views
how to make sure that clearml agents are running queue after server restart? Sometimes our worker dies and we manually have to run settuping for queue, we ru...
11 months ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 357 Views
6 months ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 212 Views
Hello, can clearml.Dataset be put in multiple threads or processes? Especially these two: clearml_dataset.add_files(dst_project_path.absolute()) clearml_data...
2 months ago
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1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 485 Views
9 months ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 103 Views
Hello, how to handle clearml.Task.add_requirements("requirements.txt) cases when we have --extra-intex-url in the file
23 days ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 571 Views
9 months ago
0 Votes
2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 365 Views
How can I move clearml dataset to another directory? Change its URL
7 months ago
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14 Answers
0 Votes 14 Answers 149 Views
one month ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 609 Views
well, FAQ helped: None I had to clear my cookies and session storage, problem solved
one year ago
0 Votes
29 Answers
0 Votes 29 Answers 711 Views
Hello, please dont tell me I just deleted something: I wanted to do two things: - Update clearml server- I followed the guilde at None - I deleted my old con...
one year ago
0 Votes
0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 355 Views
S3 Setup is confusing for me, so this is how clearml.conf looks like on my local machine where I run test scripts
6 months ago
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3 Answers
0 Votes 3 Answers 103 Views
Im having difficuilty understanding how to handle modified files on S3 - I have a file None , its relative_path is /raw/a.png Stored on clearml Dataset "A" (...
one month ago
0 Votes
0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 647 Views
deleted /opt/clearml deleted /home/ma/.clearml deleted /home/ma/clearml.conf Nothing helps
one year ago
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5 Answers
0 Votes 5 Answers 293 Views
4 months ago
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6 Answers
0 Votes 6 Answers 248 Views
3 months ago
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2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 332 Views
What could be the reason that im not getting any scalars reported to clearml using example script? None
6 months ago
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3 Answers
0 Votes 3 Answers 732 Views
im downloading clearml dataset with: dataset.get_local_copy(use_soft_links=True) Somwtimes datasets are really huge, how to get progressbar or any callback o...
one year ago
0 Votes
80 Answers
0 Votes 80 Answers 17K Views
Why is async_delete not working? - bucket is not right in logs - This is really misleading in web ui, because it says "success" although async_delete failed ...
6 months ago
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1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 367 Views
Hello, can anyone please give us update on our self hosted Ceph server not working with your clearml.conf because we dont have "region" field? None
5 months ago
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7 Answers
0 Votes 7 Answers 112 Views
Graph is drawn quite bad in such cases, hard to understand the relations Red line shows the actual linking, but it looks like it links to another dataset alo...
one month ago
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0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 577 Views
Tested on two PCs now
one year ago
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5 Answers
0 Votes 5 Answers 201 Views
Hello, for some reason my upload speed to S3 is insanely slow, I noticed in logs that it upoads to /tmp folder. What does that mean? why tmp?
2 months ago
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0 Hello, Please Dont Tell Me I Just Deleted Something: I Wanted To Do Two Things:

I purged all docker images and it still doesnt seem right
I see no side panel and it doesnt ask for login name

one year ago
0 Hello, Please Dont Tell Me I Just Deleted Something: I Wanted To Do Two Things:

This is what I see on fresh clearml
Where all my mounts are on /mnt/data/clearml-server instead of /opt/clearml

one year ago
0 Does Dataset.Add_Files Support Uploading From S3 Uri? I Have No Problem Uploading To S3 But Cant Use Data That Is Already In S3? Or Am I Dong Something Wrong? I Read In Documentation That Add_External_Files Supports This Feature, But I Want To Be Able To

Our datasets are more than 1TB in size and will grow in size (probably 4TB and up), this means we also need 4TB local storage just to upload the dataset back in zipped format. This is not a good solution.

What we can do I guess is do the downloading locally by some chunks of files?
Download locally 100 files, add_to_clearml dataset, repeat

3 months ago
0 Why Is Async_Delete Not Working?

I know these keys work, url and everything else works because I use these creds daily

5 months ago
0 Why Is Async_Delete Not Working?

we might as well have "s5" there but it is needed there

5 months ago
0 Im Having Difficuilty Understanding How To Handle Modified Files On S3

ok, then, I have a solution, but it still makes duplicate names

  • new_dataset._dataset_link_entries = {} # Cleaning all raw/a.png files
  • resize a.png and save it in another location named a_resized.png
  • Add back other files i need (excluding raw/a.png), I add them to new_dataset._ dataset_link_entries
  • Use add_external_files to include it in dataset. Im also using dataset_path=[a list of relative paths]
    What I would expect:
    100 Files removed (all a.png)
    100 Files added (all a_resized.png)
29 days ago
0 I'Ve Had This Bug Where Every Few Weeks All My Current Running Experiments Are Stopped And Then Deleted. This Has Now Happend Like 3-4 Times. I Dont Understand What Is Causing It. Model Files, Debug Images Are Saved In Fileserver Folder, But The Task Itse

hi, thanks for reaching out. Getting desperate here.
Yes, its self hosted
No, only currently running experiments are deleted (task itself is gone, but debug images and models are present in fileserver folder)

What I do see is some random elastisearch errors popping up from time to time

[2024-01-05 09:16:47,707] [9] [WARNING] [elasticsearch] POST None ` [status:N/A requ...

6 months ago
0 I'Ve Had This Bug Where Every Few Weeks All My Current Running Experiments Are Stopped And Then Deleted. This Has Now Happend Like 3-4 Times. I Dont Understand What Is Causing It. Model Files, Debug Images Are Saved In Fileserver Folder, But The Task Itse

we are cleaning, but there is a major problem
When deleting a task from web UI, nothing is deleted elsewhere
Debug images are not deleted, models are not deleted. And I suspect that scalars and logs are not deleted too
Im not sure why is that so

6 months ago
0 I'Ve Had This Bug Where Every Few Weeks All My Current Running Experiments Are Stopped And Then Deleted. This Has Now Happend Like 3-4 Times. I Dont Understand What Is Causing It. Model Files, Debug Images Are Saved In Fileserver Folder, But The Task Itse
  1. is 50GB elastisearch normal? Have you seen it. elsewhere or are we doing something wrong, one thing I think is that we are probably logging too frequently
  2. Is it possible to somehow clean up this?
6 months ago
0 I'Ve Had This Bug Where Every Few Weeks All My Current Running Experiments Are Stopped And Then Deleted. This Has Now Happend Like 3-4 Times. I Dont Understand What Is Causing It. Model Files, Debug Images Are Saved In Fileserver Folder, But The Task Itse

I also have noticed that this incident usually happens in the morning at around 6-7AM
Are there maybe some clearnup tasks or backups running on clearml server at those times?

6 months ago
0 I'Ve Had This Bug Where Every Few Weeks All My Current Running Experiments Are Stopped And Then Deleted. This Has Now Happend Like 3-4 Times. I Dont Understand What Is Causing It. Model Files, Debug Images Are Saved In Fileserver Folder, But The Task Itse

What do you mean by reusing the task for clearml Dataset, got a code example?
We have multiple different projects with multiple people working on each project.
This is our most used code on dataset uploading

6 months ago
0 Hi, I’Ve Set Up A Clearml Server With The Default_Output_Uri Pointed To S3. We’Re Planning To Migrate From S3 To Azure Blob Storage. Is There A Direct Way To Migrate The Data, Or Should We Simply Transfer The Data From S3 To Azure And Update The Default_

We had a similar problem. Clearml doesnt support data migration (not that I know of)
So you have two ways to fix this:

  • Recreate the dataset when its already in Azure
  • Edit each elasticsearch database file entry to point to new destination (we did this)
one month ago
0 Hello, Please Dont Tell Me I Just Deleted Something: I Wanted To Do Two Things:

I get the same when I copy /opt/clearml/data folder into /mnt/data/clearml/data

one year ago
0 Why Is Async_Delete Not Working?

In which ui? Because there are two ways to do it. When clicking on artifacti url there is a popup (but has no way to change host url)
Our s3 host doesnt have port (didnt specify port in clearml.conf anywhere and upload works)

4 months ago
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