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8 × Eureka!im sorry im quite new,
do you mean if the daemon is running inside a docker container? or if the task itself is in a container?
the way i understood it, when i configure the task i set the base docker image and let it run with that
@<1600661428556009472:profile|HighCoyote66> managed to solve the issue, the git i've provided was indeed in developer role, i switched to my personal git (which is maintainer) and it works smoothly. but thanks for the help!
ty for the reply!
ill look into clearml-session,
but lets say for now if i stick with spinning the daemons, if i take a daemon down while a task is already running, will it stop it? or will it continue to run?
ok from what im seeing, for some reason my the updated credentials don't get to the actual task, when i spin up the task and go to the configurations tab in the webserver, it shows an old key and secret. any idea why this is happening?
hey, thanks for the reply.
i understood, perhaps i was wrong, that i need to create the "scaler" queue and have an agent listening on the queue so that when i run the auto_scaler with the --remote flag someone will pick up the task.
as for the current setup question, do you mean like how my machines are configured?
what im trying to achieve is that i could instantiate ec2 clients so that we could train our networks, i want to be able to instantiate multiple instances, but also control when i ...
hey john,
yeah this is what i'm running, im running it on a local machine (where the web server is also running if thats relevant), the aws credentials i've given it are with an IAM role that gives access to EC2:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
@<1637624992084529152:profile|GlamorousChimpanzee22> downgrading rullib3 didn't help, from the link you sent me it seems like my original solution is the only one that will work with the current AMI, need to manually install python with my version of openSSL
hey @<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55>
it's self hosted server.
the extra configurations affected the sg and subnet id of the machines created though, so i assumed it affects them as well.
if that's not the place where i can mount my EFS, how do i do it?