Badges 1
2 × Eureka!@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> I run the code in order to step1, step2 and step3. And then I run the "" scripts. I follow the ClearML documentation so whole of the codes taken from github repo.
@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> you are right. When I added more worker to queue and it released from pending status. However when I click the pipelines in the screenshoot, I could not see pipeline schema. It shows me "no pipeline to show" text like in below. Do you have any idea ? I should see each step box when I click the pipeline right ?
@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> I used clearml==1.13.2 and now I am upgrading to clearml=1.14.1 version.Also I would give extra information about Clearml-server docker-compose file images versions is latest right now.
This print string like in below. """
if not self._task:
task_name = name or project or '{}'.format(
if self._pipeline_as_sub_project:
parent_project = (project + "/" if project else "") + self._pipeline_section
project_name = "{}/{}".format(parent_project, task_name)
parent_project = None
project_name = project or 'Pipelines'
# if user disabled the auto-...
Problem resolved. Reason is clearml sdk version. It fixed in clearml==1.14.1
While creating task you can pass docker parameter to specify the image. For example "Task.create(docker=yourcustomimage)"
You can push it to central registry or just load it in the clearml-agent machine. Agent will create a container from this image.
For the clearml-server installation I follow the documentation steps one by one. Link is : None
I just use "pip install clearml" command for sdk.
Have you try using
"clearmlConfig: |-
" parameter in values.yaml file ? Maybe you can pass storage parameter in here ?
When I run it from command line everything return back to normal and pipeline is visible for now. Thank you very much for your helps, time and feedbacks 🙂 @<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23>
There are two task available in the experiments list as you can see in below. I click the step_1 INFO tab and informations like this. There is no available pipeline controller task maybe thats why UI does not show up the pipeline.
I ran it via IDE. I am using conda environment and when I list the clearml packages it looks like in the below. The interpreter match with base environment.
I also encountered a similar problem. When I run pipeline code I could not see in the deployed pipeline in the ClearML UI and the pipeline's first step does not start in the remote agent machine. It is queued with pending status.
@<1626028578648887296:profile|FreshFly37> can you share also logs of task ? It may give an idea.
If you push it to the central registry be sure that agent machine should be able to pull image from central registry.
@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> I retry the same scenario with clearml==1.14.1 package but still it does not show me the pipelines not showing in the UI :(
Could you share your configuration ? :) Did you add only storage information under the clearmlConfig parameter in values.yaml file ? @<1661542579272945664:profile|SaltySpider22>
Hi @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> thanks for your response, I just follow documentation with this link None and run codes in this github repository None . In the github repo I run the scripts in order, " [](