Badges 1
2 × Eureka!While creating task you can pass docker parameter to specify the image. For example "Task.create(docker=yourcustomimage)"
Could you share your configuration ? :) Did you add only storage information under the clearmlConfig parameter in values.yaml file ? @<1661542579272945664:profile|SaltySpider22>
You can push it to central registry or just load it in the clearml-agent machine. Agent will create a container from this image.
Hi @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> thanks for your response, I just follow documentation with this link None and run codes in this github repository None . In the github repo I run the scripts in order, " [step1_dataset_artifact.py](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/examples/pipeline/step1_datas...
@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> I run the code in order to step1, step2 and step3. And then I run the "pipeline_from_task.py" scripts. I follow the ClearML documentation so whole of the codes taken from github repo.
Problem resolved. Reason is clearml sdk version. It fixed in clearml==1.14.1
There are two task available in the experiments list as you can see in below. I click the step_1 INFO tab and informations like this. There is no available pipeline controller task maybe thats why UI does not show up the pipeline.
If you push it to the central registry be sure that agent machine should be able to pull image from central registry.
Have you try using
"clearmlConfig: |-
" parameter in values.yaml file ? Maybe you can pass storage parameter in here ?
I also encountered a similar problem. When I run pipeline code I could not see in the deployed pipeline in the ClearML UI and the pipeline's first step does not start in the remote agent machine. It is queued with pending status.
I just use "pip install clearml" command for sdk.
@<1626028578648887296:profile|FreshFly37> can you share also logs of task ? It may give an idea.
For the clearml-server installation I follow the documentation steps one by one. Link is : None
This print string like in below. """
if not self._task:
task_name = name or project or '{}'.format(datetime.now())
if self._pipeline_as_sub_project:
parent_project = (project + "/" if project else "") + self._pipeline_section
project_name = "{}/{}".format(parent_project, task_name)
parent_project = None
project_name = project or 'Pipelines'
# if user disabled the auto-...
@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> I used clearml==1.13.2 and now I am upgrading to clearml=1.14.1 version.Also I would give extra information about Clearml-server docker-compose file images versions is latest right now.
When I run it from command line everything return back to normal and pipeline is visible for now. Thank you very much for your helps, time and feedbacks 🙂 @<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23>
I ran it via IDE. I am using conda environment and when I list the clearml packages it looks like in the below. The interpreter match with base environment.
@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> you are right. When I added more worker to queue and it released from pending status. However when I click the pipelines in the screenshoot, I could not see pipeline schema. It shows me "no pipeline to show" text like in below. Do you have any idea ? I should see each step box when I click the pipeline right ?
@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> I retry the same scenario with clearml==1.14.1 package but still it does not show me the pipelines not showing in the UI :(