Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi Team, I Am Trying To Run A Pipeline Remotely Using Clearml Pipeline And I’M Encountering Some Issues. Could Anyone Please Assist Me In Resolving Them?

Hi Team,

I am trying to run a pipeline remotely using ClearML pipeline and I’m encountering some issues. Could anyone please assist me in resolving them?

Issue 1 : After executing the code, the pipeline is initiated on the “queue_remote_start” queue and the tasks of the pipeline are initiated on the “queue_remote” queue. However, the creation of the dataset failed because it couldn’t find the Python modules from the current directory.

Issue 2 : I also attempted to use the same queue for both pipe.start and pipe.set_default_execution_queue . However, the tasks of the pipeline remained in the pending and queued state and didn’t proceed to the next step.

To run the pipeline remotely, I have created two different queues and assigned a worker to each using the following commands:

clearml-agent daemon --detached --create-queue --queue queue_remote
clearml-agent daemon --detached --create-queue --queue queue_remote_start

I then executed the following command to run the pipeline remotely:

python3 pipeline.py

The code for the Pipeline from Functions is as follows:

# Create the PipelineController object
    pipe = PipelineController(


            "train_file": constants.TRAINING_DATASET_PATH,
            "validation_file": constants.VALIDATAION_DATASET_PATH,
            "s3_output_uri": constants.CLEARML_DATASET_OUTPUT_URI,
            "dataset_project": project_name,
            "dataset_name": constants.CLEARML_TASK_NAME,
            "use_dummy_dataset": use_dummy_model_dataset,


Could anyone please provide a solution on how to successfully run the pipeline remotely? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted one year ago
Votes Newest

Answers 39

SmugDolphin23 I have attached two screenshots, One is pipeline initialization & other one is the task of the pipeline.

The project's directory is as follows:
The pipeline.py includes the code to run the pipeline & tasks of the pipeline.

├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── ev_xxxxxx_detection
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── __pycache__
│   │   └── __init__.cpython-311.pyc
│   ├── clearml
│   │   ├── __pycache__
│   │   ├── clearml_wrapper.py
│   │   ├── constants.py
│   │   ├── data_loader.py
│   │   ├── ev_trainer.py
│   │   ├── pipeline.py
│   │   └── util.py
├── poetry.lock
├── pyproject.toml


Posted one year ago

I also encountered a similar problem. When I run pipeline code I could not see in the deployed pipeline in the ClearML UI and the pipeline's first step does not start in the remote agent machine. It is queued with pending status.

Posted one year ago

I ran it via IDE. I am using conda environment and when I list the clearml packages it looks like in the below. The interpreter match with base environment.

Posted one year ago

For the clearml-server installation I follow the documentation steps one by one. Link is : None

Posted one year ago

SmugDolphin23 Can you please help me out here

Posted one year ago

sure, I'll add those details & check. Thank you

Posted one year ago

SmugDolphin23 Sure, Thank you for the suggestion. I'll try to add imports as mentioned by you and execute the pipeline & check the functionality.

In Local I'm running using python3 pipelin.py and used pipe.start_locally(run_pipeline_steps_locally=True) in the pipeline to initialize & it's working fine.

Posted one year ago

FreshFly37 can you share also logs of task ? It may give an idea.

Posted one year ago

SmugDolphin23 I retry the same scenario with clearml==1.14.1 package but still it does not show me the pipelines not showing in the UI :(

Posted one year ago

I have attached the screenshot of logs earlier

Posted one year ago

FreshFly37 I see that create_dataset doesn't have a repo set. Can you try setting it manually via the repo repo_branch repo_commit arguments in the add_function_step method?

Posted one year ago

how did you install clearml?

Posted one year ago

SmugDolphin23 , I’ve updated both the ClearML server and client to the latest version, 1.14.0, as per our previous conversation. However, I’m still encountering the same issue as described earlier.
WebApp: 1.14.0-431
Server: 1.14.0-431
API: 2.28

I attempted to use the same queue for both the controller and the steps, and assigned two workers to this queue. Upon executing the code, the pipeline was initiated on the “queue_remote” queue, and the tasks of the pipeline were also initiated on another worker in the “queue_remote” queue. However, the dataset creation failed because it was unable to locate the Python modules from the current directory as shown in the below screenshot.

Note: I stored the code and its dependencies in a GitHub repository when I executed the pipeline.

Please refer to the attached error screenshot and the code I used to run the pipeline for more details

Posted one year ago

SmugDolphin23 I used clearml==1.13.2 and now I am upgrading to clearml=1.14.1 version.Also I would give extra information about Clearml-server docker-compose file images versions is latest right now.

Posted one year ago

Thank you SmugDolphin23 It is working now after the addition of repo details into each task. It seems that we need to specify repo details in each task to pull the code & execute the tasks on the worker.

Posted one year ago

It prints "1.13.3rc0"

Posted one year ago

how about this one?

import clearml
import os
print("\n".join(open(os.path.join(clearml.__path__[0], "automation/controller.py")).read().split("\n")[310:320]))
Posted one year ago

SmugDolphin23 you are right. When I added more worker to queue and it released from pending status. However when I click the pipelines in the screenshoot, I could not see pipeline schema. It shows me "no pipeline to show" text like in below. Do you have any idea ? I should see each step box when I click the pipeline right ?

Posted one year ago

When I run it from command line everything return back to normal and pipeline is visible for now. Thank you very much for your helps, time and feedbacks 🙂 SmugDolphin23

Posted one year ago

SmugDolphin23 I have tried the same method as suggested by you and the pipeline still failed, as it couldn't find "modules". Could you please help me here?

I would like to describe the process again, which I was following:

  • I created a queue and assigned 2 workers to the queue.
  • In the pipeline.py file, to start the pipeline I used pipe.start(queue="queue_remote") and for the tasks I used pipe.set_default_execution_queue('queue_remote')
  • In the working_dir = ev_xxxx_xxtion/clearml I executed the code using python3 pipeline.py
  • The pipeline was initiated on queue " queue_remote " on worker 01 & the next tasks were initiated on queue " queue_remote " on worker 02 and it failed, as it couldn't find the modules in worker 02.
Posted one year ago

SmugDolphin23 I run the code in order to step1, step2 and step3. And then I run the "pipeline_from_task.py" scripts. I follow the ClearML documentation so whole of the codes taken from github repo.

Posted one year ago

I just use "pip install clearml" command for sdk.

Posted one year ago


Posted one year ago

This print string like in below. """
if not self._task:
task_name = name or project or '{}'.format(datetime.now())
if self._pipeline_as_sub_project:
parent_project = (project + "/" if project else "") + self._pipeline_section
project_name = "{}/{}".format(parent_project, task_name)
parent_project = None
project_name = project or 'Pipelines'
# if user disabled the auto-repo, we force local script storage (repo="" or repo=False) """

Posted one year ago

ManiacalSeaturtle63 what clearml SDK version are you using? I believe there was a bug related to pipelines not showing in the UI, but that was fixed in clearml==1.14.1

Posted one year ago

FreshFly37 can you please screenshot this section of the task? Also, how does your project's directory structure look like?

Posted one year ago

ManiacalSeaturtle63 can you share how you are creating your pipeline?

Posted one year ago

SmugDolphin23 I have tried another way by including pipeline.py in the root directory of the code and executed “python3 pipeline.py” & still faced same issue

Posted one year ago


Posted one year ago

FreshFly37 how are you running this locally in the first place?
If you are running pipeline.py with cwd as ev_xx_detection/clearml , then I would not expect you to be able to do from ev_xx_detection.clearml import constants (for example), but import constants directly would work (as constants.py is in the same directory as pipeline.py ). The reason your remote run doesn't work is basically because of this:
cwd is ev_xx_detection/clearml and ev_xx_detection.clearml.constants is imported, but the module that should be imported is actually constants

Posted one year ago
39 Answers
one year ago
one year ago
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