Hello! I know I can get a single reported value using task.get_reported_single_value(name) . Is there anything like this but for a reported plot (table in pa...
5 months ago
Hello! Is it possible to use different credentials for different s3 buckets on different hosts? When I try to do like so: s3 { region: "us-east-2" key: "***"...
7 months ago
Hi everyone, I'm trying to log a file using the ClearML logger like this: clearml.log_file(file_name=file_name, file_path=file_path) For example, if file_nam...
one month ago
Hello! For some reasons my reports got broken. It started to encode debug sample url incorrectly. It all works when checking via debug samples tab directly, ...
4 months ago
Hi! I use ClearML & YOLOv5. To train the model I use ClearML dataset. So the question is if I can somehow make "data" arg to be a link to the actual dataset ...
8 months ago
Hi, I'm not sure when exactly but at some point I've got no access to my debug samples. We're using self-hosted clearml, which runs within a docker container...
5 months ago
Hello community, I'm planning to deploy a self-hosted ClearML server on AWS. Our usage pattern is to run it intensively once a week, with a few additional se...
one month ago
Hello! The pipeline crashes when i run a task. Here's the logs: clearml_agent: ERROR: Could not install task requirements! Command '['/root/.clearml/venvs-bu...
4 months ago
hello! basic ClearML Pipeline question here. let's say I've declared pipeline like so: pipe = PipelineController( project="Stevens AutoScan", name="Dataset F...
8 months ago
Hello! How do you manage SSH github connection & the ClearML agent in a services mode (one that has to be run in the container)? When I try to run a pipeline...
7 months ago
Hi, can you help with this one: clearml_agent: ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/dhzus/.clearml/venvs-builds/3.10/bin/python The agent can't...
7 months ago