Hi @<1717350332247314432:profile|WittySeal70> , can you attach the full log and your clearml.conf
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> sure! Thanks for taking a look!)
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> any update here, by chance?
no, if you open the task logs you can see that it's git@github.com :[domain]/[repo]
unless I'm missing something
Hi @<1717350332247314432:profile|WittySeal70> , do you know what's the virtualenv version you have installed?
What is the agent version you're using?
Also, I think your git host is should be "gitlab-ssh.[domain].com" but for some reason you have "[domain].com"?
When i started agent with clearml-agent daemon --queue train
it was 3.10.12. but I've installed the clearml itself and started the agent with bash were venv was not activated.
that issue was resolved by upgrading virtualenv to the latest version