Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
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Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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3 Questions, 49 Answers
  Active since 04 July 2024
  Last activity one month ago



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0 Votes 7 Answers 288 Views
Hello, are there any resources for trying to reduce the number of API calls? I am trying out Clear ML and with just 20 epochs it says there have been 80k api...
2 months ago
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69 Answers
0 Votes 69 Answers 2K Views
one month ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 250 Views
For clearml-agents where does it clone the git repo and can you specify the location somehow?
2 months ago
0 I Am Using Clearml Pro And Pretty Regularly I Will Restart An Experiment And Nothing Will Get Logged To Clearml. It Shows The Experiment Running (For Days) And It'S Running Fine On The Pc But No Scalers Or Debug Samples Are Shown. How Do We Troubleshoot T

I just created a new virtual environment and the problem persists. There are only two dependencies clearml and tensorflow. @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> what logs are you referring to?

one month ago
0 I Am Using Clearml Pro And Pretty Regularly I Will Restart An Experiment And Nothing Will Get Logged To Clearml. It Shows The Experiment Running (For Days) And It'S Running Fine On The Pc But No Scalers Or Debug Samples Are Shown. How Do We Troubleshoot T

So I was able to repeat the same behavior on a machine running this example None

by adding the following callback

class TensorBoardImage(TensorBoard):
    def make_image(tensor):
        from PIL import Image
        import io
        tensor = np.stack((tensor, tensor, tensor), axis=2)
        height, width, channels = tensor.shape
        image = Image.from...
one month ago
0 I Am Using Clearml Pro And Pretty Regularly I Will Restart An Experiment And Nothing Will Get Logged To Clearml. It Shows The Experiment Running (For Days) And It'S Running Fine On The Pc But No Scalers Or Debug Samples Are Shown. How Do We Troubleshoot T

Yes it shows on the UI and has the first epoch for some of the metrics but that's it. It has run like 50 epochs, it says it is still running but there are no updates to the scalars or debug samples

one month ago
0 I Am Using Clearml Pro And Pretty Regularly I Will Restart An Experiment And Nothing Will Get Logged To Clearml. It Shows The Experiment Running (For Days) And It'S Running Fine On The Pc But No Scalers Or Debug Samples Are Shown. How Do We Troubleshoot T

Is there someway to kill all connections of a machine to the ClearML server this does seem to be related to restarting a task / running a new task quickly after a task fails or is aborted

one month ago
0 Hello, Are There Any Resources For Trying To Reduce The Number Of Api Calls? I Am Trying Out Clear Ml And With Just 20 Epochs It Says There Have Been 80K Api Calls

Thanks! It looks like I can set

auto_connect_streams = False

in the task init at least to try.

We are using Keras so it is logging progress bars by default, which I think we could turn off. I just wouldn't expect logging text to require so many api calls. Especially since they charge by API calls I assumed it would be better managed.

2 months ago
0 Hello, Are There Any Resources For Trying To Reduce The Number Of Api Calls? I Am Trying Out Clear Ml And With Just 20 Epochs It Says There Have Been 80K Api Calls

It's possible, is there a way to just slow down or turn off the log streaming to see how it affects the API calls?

2 months ago
0 Hello, Are There Any Resources For Trying To Reduce The Number Of Api Calls? I Am Trying Out Clear Ml And With Just 20 Epochs It Says There Have Been 80K Api Calls

Will do! It probably won't be until next week. I don't plan on stopping this run to try it but will definitely follow up with my results.
Yea I think if we self-hosted I wouldn't have noticed it at all

2 months ago
0 I Am Using Clearml Pro And Pretty Regularly I Will Restart An Experiment And Nothing Will Get Logged To Clearml. It Shows The Experiment Running (For Days) And It'S Running Fine On The Pc But No Scalers Or Debug Samples Are Shown. How Do We Troubleshoot T

Hi we are currently having the issue. There is nothing in the console regarding ClearML besides

ClearML Task: created new task id=0174d5b9d7164f47bd10484fd268e3ff
======> WARNING! Git diff too large to store (3611kb), skipping uncommitted changes <======
ClearML results page: 

The console logs continue to come in put no scalers or debug images show up.

one month ago
0 For Clearml-Agents Where Does It Clone The Git Repo And Can You Specify The Location Somehow?

It looks like it creates a task_repository folder in the virtual environment folder. There is a way to specify your virtual environment folder but I haven't found anyway to specify the git directory

2 months ago
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