Hi @<1526734383564722176:profile|BoredBat47> , please try to remove the ", "case_insensitive": true" from the last line of the command that I sent to you
About the prefix part I think it should not matter. Just put your prefix instead of ' None .<ADDRESS>'
Hi @<1523701601770934272:profile|GiganticMole91> , what is the exact version of Elasticsearch that is running now in your 1.15.0 installation? You can see it in the output of 'sudo docker ps'
Ah, I see. I forgot to escape the single quotes inside script. Please replace the current script source:
"ctx._source.url = ctx._source.url.replace('http://<MY_OLD_ADDRESS>', ' None .<NEW_ADDRESS>')"
With the escaped one:
"ctx._source.url = ctx._source.url.replace('''http://<MY_OLD_ADDRESS>''', ''' None .<NEW_ADDRESS>''')"
Hi @<1734020208089108480:profile|WickedHare16> , what is the image of the apiserver that you are running?
I see now. It seems that the instructions that we provided updated only model urls and there are some more artifacts that need to be handled. Please try running the attached python script from inside your apiserver docker container. The script should fix all the task artifact links in mongo. Copy it to any place inside the running clearml-apiserver container and then run it as following:
python3 fix_mongo_urls.py --mongo-host
--host-target http:...
Thanks! We want to add the python script that I sent you to the next version of open source and change the instructions to use this script instead of copying the commands from web
A bit confusing. But this is what linux shell wants if you have single quotes inside double quotes inside outer single quotes
Hi @<1526734383564722176:profile|BoredBat47> , it seems that your Elasticsearch version is out of sync with what the latest version of the apiserver requires (7.17.18). Can you please follow the instructions here to make sure that you use the latest images for the ClearML Server?
clearml:1 as well as clearml:latest point to the latest version which is 1.16.2:
This version is not able to work with the version of Elasticsearch that you use. I suggest to use the docker compose from the latest version that uses the updated versions of all the required infrastructure
Yes, it seems so. I though we were talking about the fresh installation that you did.
@<1526734383564722176:profile|BoredBat47> So your upgraded your source deployment to the latest clearml server, then backed up the data and tried to restore it on the target deployment that runs the same (latest) clearml server, correct? What is the error that you see in elastic logs on the target deployment?
Hi @<1526734383564722176:profile|BoredBat47> , did the last update urls command work for you? I want to update our documentation
@<1526734383564722176:profile|BoredBat47> Can you please share the exact command that you are running?
No. It is actually string concatenation. What you actually get is that an original string is broken into several parts. That are concatenated as following:
-d'{....' + ' + '....}'
Please let me know if it fixes the UI. I will ask to update our documentation then
@<1526734383564722176:profile|BoredBat47> Please try running the following command
curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'localhost:9200/events-training_debug_image-*/_update_by_query?conflicts=proceed' -d'{
"script": {
"source": "ctx._source.url = ctx._source.url.replace('
"lang": "painless"
"query": {"prefix": {"url": {"value": "
.<OLD_ADDRESS>", "case_insensitive": true...
Yeah, they should:) The problem is that they are inside outer single quotes -d'{...}'
Hi @<1577468611524562944:profile|MagnificentBear85> , the instructions that you followed should fix the addresses of debug images. For artifacts there are different instructions. Please follow the instructions from "For artifacts" item:
The path then would be as following:
- Upgrade the old deployment to the latest clearml server according to the clearml server upgrade procedure. This will automatically upgrade the data
- Backup your data folders (mongo and elastic)
- Deploy the latest clearml server on another machine and restore the data from the backup
Hi @<1523701601770934272:profile|GiganticMole91> , each scalar document in ES has a "task" field that is a task ID. The below query will show you the first 10 documents for the task ID:
curl -XGET "localhost:9200/<the scalar index name>/_search?q=task:<task ID>&pretty"
Can you please describe what working deployments you current have and what is you final goal?
Do you have an old deployment working or it was corrupted?
Do you want to upgrade that old deployment to a new one? Or you want to have a new deployment in some other place based on the data from the old deployment?
Can you please share it as a text
It is indistinguishable visually but I want to make sure that each single quote is replaced with single quote slash single quote single quote
and not single quote slash double quote
Can you please run 'sudo docker ps' and share the results? I want to see what is the real version of the apiserver image used
Hi @<1523701601770934272:profile|GiganticMole91> , I do not see any difference that could lead to Elasticsearch from v1.16 not being able to start from the data that was stored in v1.15. Probably some more information can be retrieved from ES logs right after the upgrade and services restart. If there are some reasons the prevent ES from loading the existing data they may be listed in the logs
@<1734020208089108480:profile|WickedHare16> Can you please share an example plot url that is not opened in UI but you can see it in a separate tab?
@<1734020208089108480:profile|WickedHare16> Do you mean that you see the plots now? Are there still any _attempt_serialize_numpy errors in the apiserver logs?