Badges 1
6 × Eureka!I use in clearml-agent the --gpus 0,1 flag.
And also i dont use docker mode. I use virtual env mode.
Clearml-agent on worker: 1.9.2
Clearml on my computer: 1.16.4
2 gpus - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
I reffer to only the training statistic, in the scalars tab. I can see the monitoring of the gpu's and cpu, memory...
Also i will say again then with only one gpu in the training everything is working great.
Hi, i still have this problem. and would appreciate some help with it.
No, i have one queue, with one server in that queue. This server have 2 gpus. Using my training code i can choose if i use 2 gpus or just one in the training....
Yes no issue with nvidia-smi, it recognize the 2 gpu's and successfuly use them for the training. The only problem is the metrics, scalars in the ui when i use 2 gpus
Even when i dont add the --gpus flag, it doesnt work.