Getting the following error when I try to run this code:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 9, in <module> fig=px.pie(df, names='a', facet_col='b') TypeError: pie() got an unexpected keyword argument 'facet_col'
Hi MoodySheep3 ,can you please add a standalone snippet that reproduces this? What version of clearml
are you using?
CostlyOstrich36 this code will show you the first issue of headline does over the chart facet col header
` import as px
from clearml import Task
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': ['val1', 'val1', 'val1', 'val1', 'val1', 'val1', 'val1', 'val1', 'val1', 'val1', 'val2', 'val2', 'val2', 'val2', 'val2', 'val2'],
'b':['group_a', 'group_a', 'group_a', 'group_a', 'group_b', 'group_b', 'group_b', 'group_b', 'group_b', 'group_b', 'group_a', 'group_a', 'group_a', 'group_a', 'group_b', 'group_b']})
task = Task.init(**{"project_name":"test",
clearml_logger = task.get_logger()
fig=px.pie(df, names='a', facet_col='b')
clearml_logger.report_plotly('long plot name that goes over facet - pie chart test',
series=f"pie chart test 1 ",
task = Task.init(**{"project_name":"test",
clearml_logger = task.get_logger()
fig=px.pie(df, names='a', facet_col='b')
clearml_logger.report_plotly('long plot name that goes over facet - pie chart test',
series=f"pie chart test 2 ",
task = Task.init(**{"project_name":"test",
clearml_logger = task.get_logger()
fig=px.pie(df, names='a', facet_col='b')
clearml_logger.report_plotly('long plot name that goes over facet - pie chart test',
series=f"pie chart test 3 ",
task.close() `
and when you compare with oter (same tasks) the clearml title goes over the axis labels
second problem:fig = px.imshow([[1,2], [3,4]], labels=dict(x="Predicted value", y="Real value"), x=['a', 'b'], y=['a','b'], title="Predicted and real values" ) fig.update_xaxes(side="top") clearml_logger.report_plotly('table test 2', series=f"table test 2 ", iteration=0, figure=fig) task.close()
in this example you will see the plot title above the series title, without even comparing