With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?
I see you concern but I dont think we are talking about the same thing... Maybe I am misunderstanding the server's capabilities, is there some method that when the server starts, credentials will be populated via environment variables? Like where the documentation refers to "fixed users" you can provide via config. Then the helm side, you use something like this: https://itnext.io/manage-auto-generated-secrets-in-your-helm-charts-5aee48ba6918 So essentially, the point of the actual string secret is generated is in the helm chart, it deployed as a shared k8 secret, both the server and agent access it via env variables.
2 years ago
2 years ago