That's weird, even when passing an id, it still creates a new task id.
You can however pass a specific Task ID and it will reuse it "reuse_last_task_id=aabb11", would that help?
Hmm I'm sorry it might be "continue_last_task", can you try:Task.init(..., continue_last_task="aabb11")
Hi GrotesqueOctopus42
Dispite having reuse_last_task_id=True on Task.init, it always creates a new task id. Anyone ever had this issue?
So the way "reuse_last_task_id=True" works is that if there are no artifacts on the Task it will reuse it, but when running inside jupyter it always has artifacts (the notebook itself), so it starts a new Task.
You can however pass a specific Task ID and it will reuse it "reuse_last_task_id=aabb11", would that help?