SuccessfulKoala55 That seemed to do the trick, thanks for your help! 😄
Just waiting for the changes to be completed
Hi ExuberantBat52 , you should be able to pass it - the value should be a pyhocon-parsable one-line string, so something like:"[ {username: \"jane\", password:\"123556\", name: \"Jane Doe\"}, ... ]"
Hi ExuberantBat52
I do not think you can... i would use aws secret manager to push the entire user list config file wdyt?
Hi AgitatedDove14 ,
I am planning to use terraform to retrieve the secrets from AWS, after I retrieve the user list from the secrets manager, I am going to pass them as Environment variables.
The reason I am passing them as environment variables is that, I couldn't find a way to automatically upload files to AWS EFS from Terraform. Since the config file needs to be mounted as an EFS volume to the ECS task definition.
I was able to make the web authentication work while passing the following.{ name = "CLEARML__APISERVER__AUTH__FIXED_USERS__ENABLED", value = "true" },
That was simple to do since I am only passing a string containing a Boolean value, my question is how do I do the same but for the list containing the user information shown above.
Once I validated that I am able to pass values with this dummy example, I'll then replace them with the values that I get from the secrets manager.