I am logging debug images via Tensorboard (via
function), however apparently these debug images are not collected within fileserver,
ZanyPig66 what do you mean not collected to the file server? are you saying the TB add_image is not automatically uploading images? or that you cannot access the files on your files server?
And you are calling Task.init? And the scalars show under scalars and the images are not under debug samples?
AgitatedDove14 Yeah, images logged with tensorboard apparently stay at the experiment container, and copied to nowhere else. I just expected them to be moved into fileserver, just like clearml's own logger or auto-captured model artifacts. I resolved it by binding a persistent volume into the experiment container and saving tensorboard logs in it.
ZanyPig66 is this reproducible? This sounds like a bug, whats the TB version and OS you rae using?
Is this example working for you (i.e. you see debug images)
ZanyPig66 maybe this example can help?
You could also try to upload an image or directory: