with that in place k8s should be able to provisione pvc
i want the storage to be on NFS eventually, the NFS is mounted to a local path on all the nodes (/data/nfs-ssd)
currently http://kubernetes.io/no-provisioner
this is a clear issue with provisioner not handling the pvc request for any pod having a pvc. It’s not related chart but provisioner you are suing that probably doesn’t support dynamic allocation. what provisioner are you using?
i set it as default the results are the same
i'm running on bare metal cluster if that matter
i know what storageclass is.. but i don't think that this is the problem i do have one standard, seems that pv claim do not collecting it
this is basic k8s management that is not strictly related this chart. my suggestion is to have a default storageclass that will be able to provide the right pv/pvc for any deployment you are going to have on the cluster. I suggest to start from here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/storage-classes/
this is the problem the elastic pod shows:
Type Reason Age From Message
Warning FailedScheduling 65s (x2 over 67s) default-scheduler 0/6 nodes are available: 6 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/6 nodes are available: 6 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling.
so the missing volume, do you have a recommendation how do i solve this?
seems like i didn't define a persistant volume
you need to investigate why it’s still in Pending state
can you also show output of kubectl get po
of the namespace where you installaed clearml?
chart-1669648334 clearml 1 2022-11-28 17:12:14.781754603 +0200 IST deployed clearml-4.3.0 1.7.0
can you pls put the entire helm list -A
output command?
I’m not sure why in your case liveness probe is trying to access a non localhost ip. What is the version of the chart you are trying to install? helm list -A