After Building Some Custom Pipelining Functionality On Mlflow, I
Started Looking For Better Software That Can Beat What I Created - With A
Similar Amount Of Effort. Problem Has Been That Up Till Now, All I
Found Could Make Things Way Better But Al
This means if you have a step that needs GPU it will be launched on a GPU machine vs steps that are cpu/logic. Make sense ?
yes, nice move. my question was to make sure that the steps are not run in parallel because each one builds upon the previous one
Maybe a few clearml example s would help?
id checked out that file but now with your explanation it is clear to me how to do it. so my takeaway is that if the funcs are class methods the decorators wont break, right? i had had a problem once with another library and just wanted to be sure (i think it had to be with the whole class having to be serialized and not only the method)
2 years ago
one year ago