Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi All, I Would Like To Know The Input Page_Size Of Clearml/Backend_Api/Services/V2_13/Tasks.Py Getallrequest. I Have Confirmed The Response Rows Will Be Change Depends On Given Page_Size. However Even When I Pass Page_Size Number Over 500, The Response W

Hi all,
I would like to know the input page_size of clearml/backend_api/services/v2_13/tasks.py GetAllRequest.
I have confirmed the response rows will be change depends on given page_size.
however even when I pass page_size number over 500, the response will be 500.
Is there any limit to set the number of page_size?

Posted one year ago
Votes Newest

Answers 8

Hi StraightParrot3 , page_size is indeed limited to 500 from my understanding. You need to scroll through the tasks. The first tasks.get_all response will return scroll_id , you need to use this scroll_id in your following call. Every call afterwards will return a different scroll_id which you will always need to use in your next call to continue scrolling through the tasks. Makes sense?

Posted one year ago

I'm not sure what's wrong, but you should simply use the session's send_request() method to send this request, don't use requests.post yourself

Posted one year ago

Hi StraightParrot3 , page increment is indeed correct in this case.
To use scroll_id, you will need to start the call by specifying scroll_id="", size=<some int>

Posted one year ago

Thank you for your reply.
I tried following code. however i couldn't find scroll_id in the response.
` session = clearml.backend_api.Session()
url = r"{}/{}".format(session.get_api_server_host(), "tasks.get_all")
payload = { 'only_fields' : ["id", "name", "project", "completed", "user"],
'page' : 0,
'page_size' : 10,
'order_by' : [ 'completed' ]
response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload), auth=(session.access_key, session.secret_key))

{'meta': {'id': '9ab21d7d66f84da6bdb8aa37141fe83b',
'trx': '9ab21d7d66f84da6bdb8aa37141fe83b',
'endpoint': {'name': 'tasks.get_all',
'requested_version': '2.18',
'actual_version': '1.0'},
'result_code': 200,
'result_subcode': 0,
'result_msg': 'OK',
'error_stack': '',
'error_data': {}},
'data': {'tasks': [{'completed': '2021-02-14T17:10:24.514000+00:00',
'id': '2a619936b4204f5ebfeefefd66bddf03',
'name': 'Example data',
'project': 'db23ea641a6d4482b9d9b52bdb67dcd9',
'user': 'allegroai'},
{'completed': '2021-04-24T10:59:43.710000+00:00',
'id': 'aea81aea27014b98a92287da60672575',
'name': 'hyper-parameters example',
'project': '57f9a10d127f44ffa192cb36cd6de8fe',
'user': 'allegroai'}]}}

10 results `

I requested to get 5 results at once and repeat it with page incremented,
payload = { 'only_fields' : ["id", "name", "project", "completed", "user"], 'page' : 0, 'page_size' : 5, 'order_by' : [ 'completed' ] }
payload = { 'only_fields' : ["id", "name", "project", "completed", "user"], 'page' : 1, 'page_size' : 5, 'order_by' : [ 'completed' ] }
I could get same 10 results.
how can i get scroll_id ?
Is page increment way in above correct way?

Posted one year ago

StraightParrot3 how exactly did you call it?

Posted one year ago


I changed my code using session.send_request() not using requests.post() .
session = clearml.backend_api.Session() payload = { 'only_fields' : ["id", "name", "project", "completed", "user"], 'page' : 0, 'page_size' : 5, 'scroll_id' : 1, 'order_by' : [ 'completed' ] } response = session.send_request("tasks", "get_all", json=payload) response.json()but still I got same error.
{'meta': {'id': 'ede50394c3554b94a2726630a5c40d0b', 'trx': 'ede50394c3554b94a2726630a5c40d0b', 'endpoint': {'name': 'tasks.get_all', 'requested_version': '2.18', 'actual_version': '1.0'}, 'result_code': 400, 'result_subcode': 12, 'result_msg': 'Validation error (Integer size parameter greater than 1 should be provided when working with scroll)', 'error_stack': None, 'error_data': {}}, 'data': {}}

and I also tried APIClient
from clearml.backend_api.session.client import APIClient client = APIClient() tasks = client.tasks.get_all(page=0,page_size=10) tasksit gives following response and it works.
{'id': 'e8e09741583b4a0499baf588eb3f8bdb', 'name': '2D plots reporting'} {'id': 'b18427cc76e34c19aa475acef1ff8bfa', 'name': '3D plot reporting'} {'id': 'd0bf83f3a7854c4585e0db19d891a4cf', 'name': 'Abseil example'} {'id': '8dc205923f3d4674ad40482391454f8e', 'name': 'Automatic Hyper-Parameter Optimization'} {'id': '9751c847f6664f52a096e1264b258fad', 'name': 'Example Dataset'} {'id': '2a619936b4204f5ebfeefefd66bddf03', 'name': 'Example data'} {'id': '6008e7fbd2594037b2bb4d4aec6c3bf7', 'name': 'Export models to Artifacts'} {'id': '33534ab12ea646a3bab6326a5efbc261', 'name': 'Keras HP optimization base'} {'id': 'cc65eb033cce43b3a20e2174d1dbe686', 'name': 'Keras HP optimization base: General/batch_size=128 General/epochs=30 General/layer_1=128 General/layer_2=128'} {'id': 'd8efdaef91814392995157fcc0a56cf0', 'name': 'Keras HP optimization base: General/batch_size=128 General/epochs=30 General/layer_1=128 General/layer_2=384'}
when i call with scroll_id, and then the error occurred with unsupported arguments scroll_id.
from clearml.backend_api.session.client import APIClient client = APIClient() tasks = client.tasks.get_all(page=0,page_size=10, scroll_id=1) tasks
` ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [47], line 3
1 from clearml.backend_api.session.client import APIClient
2 client = APIClient()
----> 3 tasks = client.tasks.get_all(page=0,page_size=10, scroll_id=1)
4 tasks

File .venv\lib\site-packages\clearml\backend_api\session\client\client.py:422, in make_action.<locals>.get(self, *args, **kwargs)
417 @wrap
418 def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
419 return TableResponse(
420 service=self,
421 entity=entity,
--> 422 result=self.session.send(request_cls(*args, **kwargs)),
423 dest=dest,
424 fields=kwargs.pop("only_fields", None),
425 )

File .venv\lib\site-packages\clearml\backend_api\services\v2_13\tasks.py:7617, in GetAllRequest.init(self, id, name, user, project, page, page_size, order_by, type, tags, system_tags, status, only_fields, parent, status_changed, search_text, all, any, **kwargs)
7596 def init(
7597 self,
7598 id=None,
7615 **kwargs
---> 24 raise ValueError('Unsupported keyword arguments: %s' % ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
25 elif allow_extra_fields and kwargs:
26 self._extra_fields = kwargs

ValueError: Unsupported keyword arguments: scroll_id `

Posted one year ago

Thank you for additional comment.
But when i call with scroll_id="" i caught error message "Validation error (Integer size parameter greater than 1 should be provided when working with scroll)" .
so I tried to call with scroll_id=1 however i still got same error.

if it is correct way to increment page, i will use this way like example in the following https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/examples/services/cleanup/cleanup_service.py

Posted one year ago

Here is my code.
session = clearml.backend_api.Session() url = r"{}/{}".format(session.get_api_server_host(), "tasks.get_all") payload = { 'only_fields' : ["id", "name", "project", "completed", "user"], 'page' : 0, 'page_size' : 5, 'scroll_id' : 1, 'order_by' : [ 'completed' ] } response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload), auth=(session.access_key, session.secret_key)) response.json()and response.json() shows
{'meta': {'id': 'd61c02a39a394d0a933c34a871747313', 'trx': 'd61c02a39a394d0a933c34a871747313', 'endpoint': {'name': 'tasks.get_all', 'requested_version': '2.18', 'actual_version': '1.0'}, 'result_code': 400, 'result_subcode': 12, 'result_msg': 'Validation error (Integer size parameter greater than 1 should be provided when working with scroll)', 'error_stack': None, 'error_data': {}}, 'data': {}}

Posted one year ago
8 Answers
one year ago
one year ago