AgitatedDove14 - fantastic support! I was indeed missing the output_uri, I evidently commented it out with a "FIXME - why is this here?" comment. So now I see the model on the S3 server and the Web UI properly shows its path:...
I've removed the model from the serving instance to start fresh and the clearml-serving docker containers all come up happy. However, when I clearml-serving model add ...
it is using the wrong URL - an https:// instead of an s3:// so it can't upload the file:clearml-serving - CLI for launching ClearML serving engine Serving service Task 2405af60fec342f680c41d8343a25319, Adding Model endpoint '/deep_satcom_test/' Info: syncing model endpoint configuration, state hash=d3290336c62c7fb0bc8eb4046b60bc7f Warning: Found multiple Models for '{'project_name': 'DeepSatcom', 'model_name': None, 'tags': None, 'only_published': True, 'include_archived': False}', selecting id=0f516b61b45c48509df12f93389a29ae 2022-10-05 08:40:39,319 - - ERROR - Failed uploading: Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "
There already was a file on the S3 server so something must have worked correctly earlier. If I do model add
without the --preprocess option, it completes fine.