Having human readable ids always help communication but programmatically we definitely going to use the "real" id. But I think we are too early into this and I will report back on how it is going with this.
I would think having a unique slug is a good idea so the team can communicate purely be that single number. Maybe we will call tasks as slug_yyyymmdd
ahh, because task_id is the "real" id of a task
Yes the ID is a global system wide unique ID (regardless of the project etc.)
Maybe we will call tasks as
Notice that you can just copy-paste the link in the address bar, it will bring you to the exact same view, meaning easily shared among users 🙂 You can, but I would actually use the Task ID. This also means that programatically you can do , task=Task,get_task(task_id_here)
and interact and query and existing Task on the systemwdyt?
ahh, because task_id is the "real" id of a task
it overwrites the previous run?
It will overwrite the previous if
Under 72h from last execution no artifact/model was createdYou can control it with "reuse_last_task_id=False" passed to Task.init
Task name itself is Not unique in the system, think of it as short description
Make sense ?