I am trying to access the dataset by the below code
Click on the 'Task information ->' at the bottom of the right window. This will take you to the task object in the system. Then go to artifacts.
so how to get the path for the file itself not all the files? 😓
just do:import os.path as op dataset_folder = Dataset.get(dataset_id="...").get_local_copy() csv_file = op.join(dataset_folder, 'salary.csv')
It looks like you can't access the file due to permissions. And in the agent run there is no such file. How are you storing it and how are you trying to fetch it in code during the agent run?
WickedBee96 the return value of dataset.get_local_copy is the Folder where all your files are located, Not the filename itself 🙂
You put it there 🙂 so the assumption you know what you are looking for, or use glob? wdyt?
What is the dataset URL you see in the UI? If you go to the dataset, there should be a view to the dataset link