Dont sure if this a good solution for me since I wanted to add it as a paramater....
For example:
In dataset_creation utility I do this upload:task.upload_artifact('id_of_running_creation', artifact_object=id_of_running)
In Inference utility I do this upload:task.upload_artifact('id_of_running_inference', artifact_object=id_of_running)
and I would like to use them as a parameters to the next step of the pipeline run:
like this:pipe.add_step( name='post_processing',...., parameter_override= {"General/id_of_running_creation": "${dataset_creation.artifacts.id_of_running_creation}", "General/id_of_running_inference": "${inference.artifacts.id_of_running_inference}"}...
but it doesn't work since the artifact is a string ( I tried also with dataframe but then I cant change it to string before I execute the next step)