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Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
I Have Code That Does Torch.Load(Path) And Deserializes A Model. I Am Performing This In Package A.B.C, And The Model’S Module Is Available In In A.B.C.Model Unfortunately, The Model Was Serialized With A Different Module Structure - It Was Originally Pla

I have code that does torch.load(path) and deserializes a model.
I am performing this in package a.b.c, and the model’s module is available in in a.b.c.model
unfortunately, the model was serialized with a different module structure - it was originally placed in a (root) module called model
To fix this, I append “model” to sys.path.
This works in pure python.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t work inside clear.ml since there is some mechanism that overrides the import mechanism using import_bind . __patched_import3

Any idea how I can work around this?

Posted 2 years ago
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Answers 9

Nice workaround!
RoughTiger69 how do I reproduce this behavior? (I'm still unsure on why exactly the clearml binding broke it, and would like to fix that)
(can you also provide the crash trace, maybe that could help as well)

Posted 2 years ago

python 3.8
I’ve worked around the issue by doing:
sys.modules['model'] = local_model_package

Posted 2 years ago

Hi RoughTiger69

unfortunately, the model was serialized with a different module structure - it was originally placed in a (root) module called



Is this like a pickle issue?

Unfortunately, this doesn’t work inside clear.ml since there is some mechanism that overrides the import mechanism using




What error are you getting? (meaning why isn't it working)

Posted 2 years ago

RoughTiger69 can you share the python version and the logs?

Posted 2 years ago

I will try and get back to this area of the code soon

Posted 2 years ago

I think it has something to do with clearml since I can run this code as pure python without clearml, and when I activate clearml, I see that torch.load() hits the




when trying to deserialize the saved model

Posted 2 years ago

it is a pickle issue
‘package model doesn’t exist’

despite me attempting to add the right path to sys.path right before loading

Posted 2 years ago

it is a pickle issue
‘package model doesn’t exist’

Sounds like it, why do you think clearml has anything there ?




this is just so when packages that clearml autoconnects with are patched if imported After Task.init was called.

Posted 2 years ago

What's the python, torch, clearml version?
Any chance this can be reproducible ?
What's the full error trace/stack you are getting?
Can you try to debug it to where exactly it fails here?
RoughTiger69 wdyt?

Posted 2 years ago
9 Answers
2 years ago
2 years ago