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90 × Eureka!What I’d like is to do Dataset.get(“b”, to=‘a’) and have the download land the files directly there
AgitatedDove14 from what I gather there is a lightly documented concept of “multi_instance_support” https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/90854fa4a516fcb38ea0a5ec23894c5a3b6bbc4f/clearml/automation/controller.py#L3296 .
Do you think it can work?
SmugHippopotamus96 how did this setup work for you? are you using an autoscaling node group for the jobs?
with or without GPU?
Any additional tips on usage?
So “The” pipeline Engineer A creates, once updated with the latest code, and perhaps ran once as test by CI CD, should be “tainted” as “The production” version of that pipeline, so that Engineer B’s code always uses the latest released pipeline code
I want to have a CI/CD pipeline that, upon Engineer A commit, ensures that the pipeline is re-deployed such that with Engineer B uses it as template, it’s definitely the latest version of the code and process
Yes, but this is not the use-case.
The use-case is that I have a local folder and I want to merge a dataset into it without re-fetching the local folder…
CostlyOstrich36 not that I am aware of deleting etc.
I didn’t set up the env though…
What was important for me was that the user can define the entire workflow and that I can see its status as one ‘pipeline’ in the UI (vs. disparate tasks).
perform query process records into a labeling assignment Call labeling system API wait for and external hook when labels are ready clean the labels upload them to a dataset
Do you know what specific API do I need to signal “resume” after “abort”?
not “reset” I presume?
AgitatedDove14 the emphasis is that the imports I am doing are not from external/pipe packages, they are just neighbouring modules to the function I am importing. Imports that rely on pip installed packages work well
yes and no.
This is a pseudo flow:
Data download -> pre-processing -> model training (e.g. HPT) - > model evaluation (per variant) -> model comparison dashboard -> human selects the best model using a heuristic and the status of the weather -> model packaging -> inference tests etc.
I could divide it into two pipelines:
Data download --> dashboard
Packaging --> …
Where packaging takes a parameter which is the human selected ID of the model.
However, this way, I lose the context of the ent...
Trust me, I had to add this field to this default dict just so that clearml doesn’t delete it for me
it does appear on the task in the UI, just somehow not repopulated in the remote run if it’s not a part of the default empty dict…
and of course this solution forces me to do a git push for all the other dependent modules when creating the task…
sure CostlyOstrich36
I have something like the following:
@PipelineDecorator.component(....) def my_task(...) from my_module1 import my_func1 from my_modeul2 import ....
my_module1 and 2 are modules that are a part of the same project source. they don’t come as a separate package.
Now when I run this in clearml, these imports don’t work.
These functions may require transitive imports of course, so the following doesn’t work:
` PipelineDecorator.component(helper_function=[my_fu...
could work! is there a way to visualize the pipeline such that this step is “stuck” in executing?
I don’t think so.
In most cases I woudl have multiple agents pulling from the same queue. I can’t have a queue per pipeline execution.
So if I submit A and B to the same queue, it still doesn’t gurantee that they will be pulled by the same agent….
@ https://app.slack.com/team/UT8T0V3NE is there a non-free version support for the feature of preempting lower priority tasks to allow a higher priority task to come in?
JitteryCoyote63 how do you detect spot interruption is coming from within the http://clear.ml task in time to mark it as “resume”?
Task consumed 32GB memory total (had to add 16GB of swap)
I think it has something to do with clearml since I can run this code as pure python without clearml, and when I activate clearml, I see that torch.load() hits the
when trying to deserialize the saved model
It’s more like this:
I have a pipeline, ran on all data.
Now I change/add a sub-dag to the pipeline
I want to run only that sub-dag on all historical data in ad-hoc manner
And then next runs will run the full dag (e.g. only on new data)
no, I tried either with very small files or with 20GB as the parent
AgitatedDove14 I haven’t done a full design for this 😉
Just referring to how DVC claims it can detect and invalidate changes in large remote files.
So I take it there is no such feature in http://clear.ml 🙂
Sort of.
I would go with something which is more like:
` execution_plan = {'step_b':'b_result', step_c: None, ...}
def pipeline(execution_plan):
step_results = {}
for step in pipeline.get_dag():
if step.name in execution_plan.keys():
step_results[step.name] = execution_plan[step.name] or step(**step_results)
`The ‘execution plan’ specifies list of steps to run (keys) and for each, whether we should use a u...
ok, hours of debugging later, I realized that the auto_scaler example initializes a https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/721569bb77d89d89e5b4f32a0ed98311c4574650/examples/services/aws-autoscaler/aws_autoscaler.py#L68 the task is initialized on the remote side.
Apparently, https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/721569bb77d89d89e5b4f32a0ed98311c4574650/examples/services/aws-autoscaler/aws_autoscaler.py#L103 , doesn’t populate that dict with any keys that don’t already exist in it .