Without the joblib dump I do not get my models registered as models, even though the experiment runs fine and logs everything else : )
Edit: Note that I also want ClearML to store these into my predefined artifact store, which it does with the aforementioned "hacky" solution.
Hi SlimyDove85 ,
Regarding the easiest method to track models - you can try tagging them.
Can you please elaborate on your use case?
Basically I've defined some extended sklearn models, which I import in my ClearML task file and set them up with some initial parameters.
Some pseudocode:
` mdl = SomeExtendedSklearnModel(**params)
Load data
X = load_data(...)
task = Task.init(...)
output_models = OutputModel(task=task, ..., framework="ScikitLearn")
preds = mdl.fit_predict(X)
joblib.dump(mdl, "mdl.pkl") `
If you set Task.init(..., output_uri=<PATH_TO_ARTIFACT_STORAGE>)
everything will be uploaded to your artifact storage automatically.
Regarding models. I to skip the joblib dump hack you can simply connect the models manually to the task with this method: