Hi StraightParrot3 , as SuccessfulKoala55 suggested you could maybe use tags for this as well.
In regards to creating views - If you predefine a certain view locally on your browser (with the extra column) I think you can just copy paste the URL and it should include the custom column for anyone using this URL
Hi StraightParrot3 , currently these are defined on the server side and cannot be changed. You can use user-properties and tags to mark/annotate tasks
Thanks, I could confirm that URL with custom column works for share same view!
Hi SuccessfulKoala55 , Thank you for your reply!
I tried put user-properties like "Category/type" as hyperparam and then I could see in experiment list with customize columns display.
However I realize that all users should change display setting to see user-properties by themselves.
Is there any option to create views in advance for other users?