Hi MoodyCentipede68 ,
What versions of ClearML & Agent are you using?
I specify the repo for each step by using the ‘repo’ arguments from PipelineDecorator.component.
Here is my reference
MoodyCentipede68 do you see the repo under EXECUTION tab?
I was referring to the SDK python package (ClearML) and ClearML-Agent
Hi CostlyOstrich36 here is my clearML version
Hi MoodyCentipede68 , do you have the repo as part of the https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/references/sdk/automation_controller_pipelinecontroller#pipelinedecoratorcomponent ? you can specify for each step which repo to use
CostlyOstrich36 Where can I check the SDK python package and CLearML-Agent?
Hi TimelyPenguin76 I specify the repo for each step by using the 'repo' arguments from PipelineDecorator.component.
Here is my reference