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In Pipelines. Is It Possible To Inject A Requierment.Txt Such That The Executing Node Will Install Before Running Tasks?

In Pipelines.

Is it possible to inject a requierment.txt such that the executing node will install before running tasks?

Posted 2 years ago
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Answers 28

and just making sure - by pipeline we're talking about the ClearML pipelines, correct?

Posted 2 years ago

nice! Thank you

Posted 2 years ago

I'm sorry. I think I wrote something wrong. I'll elaborate:
The SDK detects all the packages that are used during the run - The Agent will install a venv with those packages.
I think there is also an option to specify a requirements file directly in the agent.

Is there a reason you want to install packages from a requirements file instead of just using the automatic detection + agent?

Posted 2 years ago

Hi AverageRabbit65 , can you elaborate on what you're trying to do?
ClearML-Agent will automatically create a venv and install everything

Posted 2 years ago

Have you run experiments with the SDK? i.e added Task.init()

Posted 2 years ago

now the question how to make the production stuff to work

Posted 2 years ago

Yep Correct

Posted 2 years ago

or how can I add some libraries I'd like it to pip install in the new environment

Posted 2 years ago


Posted 2 years ago

based on what reqeuirment.txt manifest?

Posted 2 years ago

The one sitting in the repository

Posted 2 years ago

I have a simple pipline that works

Posted 2 years ago

consider this case:

Posted 2 years ago

locally and remotely

Posted 2 years ago

PIP Mode

By default, ClearML Agent works in PIP Mode, in which it uses

as the package manager. When ClearML runs, it will create a virtual environment (or reuse an existing one, see

). Task dependencies (Python packages) will be installed in the virtual environment.

how does it know what are the dependencies of a task?

Posted 2 years ago

we have a diff name for this file in the repo

Posted 2 years ago

how this is possible?

Posted 2 years ago

if a==True: import torch else: import tensorflow

Posted 2 years ago

the question how does ClearML know to create env and what files does it copy to the task

Posted 2 years ago

the question how does ClearML know to create env and what files does it copy to the task

Either automatically detecting the packages in requirements.txt OR using the packages listed in the task itself

Posted 2 years ago

I think I am missing something

Posted 2 years ago

from clearml import PipelineController

Posted 2 years ago

the only way any computer could figure this out is by running it

Posted 2 years ago

And the pipeline runs with agents or locally?

Posted 2 years ago

if this was possible we wouldn't need pip

Posted 2 years ago

it's an undecidable problem

Posted 2 years ago

so it looks for requirement.txt?

Posted 2 years ago
28 Answers
2 years ago
one year ago