what bother me is that it worked until yesterday, and you didnt changed your code. So the only thing i can think of is a bug introduced with the new sdk version, that was released yesterday. I am inverstigating with the sdk team, i will keep you updated asap ! 🙂
Hi SparklingElephant70
The function doesn't seem to find any datasets which project_name matches your request.
Some more detailed code on how you create your dataset, and how you try to retrieve it, could help me to better understand the issue 🙂
Hi SweetBadger76
It worked great yesterday and also a week ago ..
I'm trying to figure out what happened because I did not make any change to the code
but that i still not explaining why it was working 2 days ago and now it is not !
i am investigating, and will keep you updated
There's something I can do to help you check? (task id, project name etc.)
Hope it will help 🤞 . Do not hesitate to ask if the error persists
Hi SweetBadger76
It still does not work, I'm trying to access a task called dataset_0 under datasets project.
I get ValueError: No projects found when searching for datasets/.datasets/dataset_0
What is .datasets ?
is it a task you are trying to access to or a dataset ? if you need to retrieve a task, you should use Task.get_task()
if i do that :ds=Dataset.create(dataset_project='datasets',dataset_name='dataset_0')
it will result in the creation of 2 experiments :
results page: the task that corresponds to the script that launched the dataset creation - it will be in PROJECTS/datasets/.datasets/dataset_0 dataset page: the dataset itself : would be in DATASETS/dataset_0
hi SparklingElephant70
i was asking myself about this datasets / .datasets / None
this None i weird : if you look at the example i sent, you should see the dataset name here. Just to be sure, can you confirm me than when you fire the command line you pass both dataset_project AND dataset_name ?
hum interesting. have you updated your clearml to the latest version ? we released new versions those days