Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi, Is There Any Approach To Record Some Experiment Metric (E.G., Accuracy) And Display In The Experiment Table So I Can Compare The Metric Among Different Experiments? The Approach I Found Is

Is there any approach to record some experiment metric (e.g., accuracy) and display in the experiment table so I can compare the metric among different experiments?
The approach I found is https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/webapp/webapp_exp_table/#adding-metrics-and--or-hyperparameters . It's to log the accuracy via logger.report_scalar , but it has x y axis, not so fit accuracy .

Posted one year ago
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Answers 7

Hi SweetBadger76
For example, I want to compare accuracy (the metrics I'm interested) among different experiments. This metrics isn't automatically recorded by ClearML so I want to manually record it.
I've found a workaround to achieve it (as mentioned in the original message), but I'm still wondering if there is any suggestion except using logger.report_scalar ?

Posted one year ago

Hi ScaryBluewhale66 , I believe the new server that's about the be released soon (this \ next week), we'll allow you to report a "single value metric". so if you want to report just a number per experiment you can, then you can also compare between runs.

Posted one year ago

report_scalar() with a constant iteration, is a hack that you can use in the meantime 🙂

Posted one year ago

I see! Thanks AnxiousSeal95 and SweetBadger76 !

I have another related questions. Are the items in + metric I can select only the items in Results -> Scalars .

Posted one year ago

report_scalar pernits to manually report a scalar series. This is the dedicated function. There could be other ways to report a scalar, for example through tensorboard - in this case you would have to report to tensorboard, and clearML will automatically report the values

Posted one year ago

Yes, any need for anything else?

Posted one year ago

hi ScaryBluewhale66
Can please elaborate, i am not sure that i get your question ? What do you need to compare ?

Posted one year ago
7 Answers
one year ago
one year ago