here is a bit of code that seems to do the job. have a look
wrapper = Task.get_task(project_name="***", task_name="***")
req_obj = events.DownloadTaskLogRequest(wrapper.id)
res = wrapper.session.send_request(
print(res.json()) `
I see
Thanks for explanation!
And are there any updates about downloading logs from UI bug? 🙂
The first thing you tried didn't work since the APIclient is not designed to receive plain text response, just Jason response
Hi CrabbyKoala94 , the download log request actually returns a different payload and is meant for the browser to intercept
After fixing imports I was able to successfully run the code
Thanks a lot!
However I'm still curious why the first option I pasted in the original message did not work + do you have any update about the issue when downloading logs from the UI?
Hi CrabbyKoala94
I am working on your issue, I will update you asap. Thanks
Perhaps it is connected with the issue mentioned here (since I authenticate with the same credentials)
This is actually one of the only endpoints that returns this kind of output
I'm not sure I got it, sorry
I'm actually running the script from my local PC with clearml-init initialized using credentials generated on ClearML settings webpage (where you generate app credentials)
Hi SuccessfulKoala55 !
Any update regarding pushing new version with a fix? 🙂
If the AWS machine has an ssh key installed, it should work - I assume it's possible to either use a custom AMI for that, or you can use the autoscaler instance startup bash script
I suggest using cURL and figuring out how to store the plain text response into a file
Ah, I was actually going to ask whether this is for sure related to my issue but I figured - nah, it must me be who is not getting it 😄
oups please pardon me I made a confusion, this answer is not related to your issue. my fault 🙏
Yep sorry I have not pasted the import line. You should add something like this :
from clearml.backend_api.services import events
For some reason it does not work for me 😕req_obj = client.events.DownloadTaskLogRequest(clearml_task.id) AttributeError: 'Events' object has no attribute 'DownloadTaskLogRequest'
Already in the pipeline, should be available in the next server update 🙂
You mean downloading logs from an experiment in a workspace you've been invited to?
SuccessfulKoala55 it's working!
Thank you very much for letting me know 😄
For some reason it does not work for me
req_obj = client.events.DownloadTaskLogRequest(clearml_task.id) AttributeError: 'Events' object has no attribute 'DownloadTaskLogRequest'
SweetBadger76 I think you missed the events
import - this is not client.events
it should be released ub about two weeks, I think
Any update regarding pushing new version with a fix?
CrabbyKoala94 a patch fixing this was deployed today - please take a look and see if your issue was resolved :)