Pretty sieve in the near future. As an idea for new users: it would be convenient to have some kind of visual example, what would they understand how it will be.
CheerfulGorilla72 sounds like a great idea, I'll pass along to documentation ppl 🙂
Hi CheerfulGorilla72
You have an example of implementation here :
Hope it will help 🙂
Something interesting and possibly the same)
Please tell me, is there an example of how these notifications look like?
but it is not possible to write to a private channel in which the bot is added.
Is this a Slack limitation ?
don't think. next week I'll try to change the code of the example, maybe it will work with the channel ID
Could not locate channel name 'gg_clearml'
CheerfulGorilla72 these are the permissions: channels:read chat:write
Can you please tell me if it is possible to set up slack monitoring in clearml?
It is 🙂
This one?
CheerfulGorilla72 my guess is the Slack token does not have credentials for the private channel, could that be ?
AgitatedDove14 SweetBadger76
Pd; please tell me, is it possible to make slack notifications go to a private channel if the bot is added there? (Error bottom)
Now messages go only to public channelsValueError: Error: Could not locate channel name 'gg_clearml'
Yes, thank you!) Is there an addition to it, how will it look like in Slack?
yes, these items exist. write in a normal public channel is obtained. but it is not possible to write to a private channel in which the bot is added.
yes, that looks like it, thanks!
I'll try adding these and see how it helps