ShakyOstrich31 maybe the issue is the commit num? Are you running a new task after pushing the requirements file or is it an old task you're reusing? Once executed, ClearML will record the commit ID that was executed and use the same one - You can clear this and use the master
branch from the WebApp
I am reusing an old task ...
Which means that the old Task stores the requirements on the Task itself (see "Installed Packages" section), Notice it also stores the exact git commit to use.
When you are cloning the Task (i.e. in the pipeline), you should probably:
set the commit / branch to the latest in the branch clear the "installed packages" section, which would cause the agent to use the "requirements.txt" stored in the git repo itself.As far as I understand this should solve the issue,
Hi ShakyOstrich31 ,
Can you verify that you did push the updated code into your repository?
Hi, SuccessfulKoala55 I am reusing an old task (I did not run my python file to upload a new task draft). What I have been doing is re-running only the pipeline controller file to start a new pipeline.
Could you direct me on how to clear the saved commit ID and use the master branch on the web app please? I cant seem to find the option.
Hi CostlyOstrich36 ,
Yes I just double-checked and I did push the updated requirements.txt