how to make sure it will traverse only current package?
Just making sure there is no bug in the process, if you call Task.init in your entire repo (serve/train) you end up with "installed packages" section that contains all the required pacakges for both use cases ?
I have separate packages for serving and training in a single repo. I don’t want serving requirements to be installed.
Hmm, it cannot "know" which is which, because it doesn't really trace all the import logs (this will take too long and is quite complicated), it does static analysts on everything...
You have two options
Specify the requirements.txt for each use case, just before calling Task.init , this means you maintain two requirements.txt for each use caseTask.force_requirements_env_freeze(requirements_file="requirements.txt")
2. Specify "ignore packages" for each use case, just removing the package you know before hand, are too "heavy" or not needed in the specific user case:Task.ignore_requirements("some_package_name")