MotionlessCoral18 I think there is a fix in the latest clearml-agent RC 1.4.0rc0 can you test and update if your are still having this issue?
But this is not copy, this is mount, your log showed cp failing
Hmm I think you have a point here, the confusing part is the cp cmd. Can you send the full log? (Regradless , can I assume you are running a rootless container ?)
I tried to modify all docker_internal_mounts point but the mount point for clearm.conf file still remains the same. May be it is defined on server side ?
I don't undestand why after specifying /root/clearml.conf
, a copy is required to /root/default_clearml.conf
. I modified in the code this copy by one that takes a user mounting point and copies it to home directory ~/clearml.conf
But after all these modifications, i succeeded in using the clearml-agent. 👍 Great job ! Thank to the clearml team.
I saw this part of the configuration file but i don't know exactly which key is used as mount point for configuration file ?
Hi MotionlessCoral18
Are you running the agent inside a container?
Would you mind to share your Dockerfile?
Hi MotionlessCoral18
You can set all mount points here:
I think i have my answer, this is hard coded in agent base_cmd += ( (['--name', name] if name else []) + ['-v', conf_file+':'+DOCKER_ROOT_CONF_FILE] + (['-v', host_ssh_cache+':'+mount_ssh] if host_ssh_cache else []) + ...