AbruptWorm50 , I also see the HPO app is missing, I'm told this is under investigation.
AbruptWorm50 , regarding the debug samples:
When were they registered?
Were you able to view them before?
Where are they registered?
Hi AbruptWorm50 - can you send an example of a link to a debug image (you can copy the link by clicking on the left icon in each debug image' box)
Just to mention I also tested debug images upload to the fileserver and S3 and both seem to work for me and show in the WebApp - I think we need some more data on this specific case 😞
Hi, the URL contains some details which I wouldn't like to share on this thread. Can I send it to one of you in private message?
CostlyOstrich36 The application problem was indeed solved 🙂 but the plots one didn't
AbruptWorm50 , can you try deleting your cookies/data on your browser to see if you manage to load the debug samples? I think this might be related: https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/637
Clearing my cookies solved the issue, Thanks 🙂
AbruptWorm50 , it looks like the application issue was solved for us 🙂
AbruptWorm50 , you can send me. Also can you please answer the following two questions?When were they registered? Were you able to view them before?
Also, you mention plots but in the screenshot you show debug samples. Can I assume you're talking about debug samples?