ElegantCoyote26 what you are after is:docker run -v ~/clearml.conf:/root/clearml.conf -p 9501:8085
Notice the internal port (i.e. inside the docker is 8080, but the external one is changed to 9501)
Hi ElegantCoyote26 ,
It doesn't seem that using port 8080 is mandatory and you can simply change it when you run ClearML-Serving - i.e docker run -v ~/clearml.conf:/root/clearml.conf -p 8085:8085
My guess is that the example uses port 8080 because usually the ClearML backend and the Serving would run on different machines
Yeah, I simply used a different port but I got this output:(prediction_module) emilio@unicorn:~/clearml-serving$ docker run -v ~/clearml.conf:/root/clearml.conf -p 9501:9501 -e CLEARML_SERVING_TASK_ID=7ce187d2218048e68fc594fa49db0051 -e CLEARML_SERVING_POLL_FREQ=5 clearml-serving-inference:latest CLEARML_SERVING_TASK_ID=7ce187d2218048e68fc594fa49db0051 CLEARML_SERVING_PORT= CLEARML_USE_GUNICORN= EXTRA_PYTHON_PACKAGES= CLEARML_SERVING_NUM_PROCESS= CLEARML_SERVING_POLL_FREQ=5 CLEARML_DEFAULT_KAFKA_SERVE_URL= CLEARML_DEFAULT_KAFKA_SERVE_URL= WEB_CONCURRENCY= SERVING_PORT=8080 GUNICORN_NUM_PROCESS=4 GUNICORN_SERVING_TIMEOUT= GUNICORN_EXTRA_ARGS= UVICORN_SERVE_LOOP=asyncio UVICORN_EXTRA_ARGS= CLEARML_DEFAULT_BASE_SERVE_URL=
CLEARML_DEFAULT_TRITON_GRPC_ADDR= Starting Uvicorn server ClearML Task: created new task id=e24dece9bd2c41a3ba11fd010f654837 ClearML results page:
2022-03-28 14:38:36,581 - clearml.Task - INFO - No repository found, storing script code instead INFO: Started server process [8] INFO: Waiting for application startup. INFO: Application startup complete. INFO: Uvicorn running on
(Press CTRL+C to quit)
So it still looks like it's using port 8080? I'm not really sure
And this is what I get with the curl inference example on the README.md(prediction_module) emilio@unicorn:~/clearml-serving$ curl -X POST "
` " -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"x0": 1, "x1": 2}'
<html> <head><title>405 Not Allowed</title></head> <body> <center><h1>405 Not Allowed</h1></center> <hr><center>nginx/1.20.1</center> </body> </html> `