I... did not, ashamed to admit. The documentation says only boolean values.
It can also log generate a log file with this method, it does not have to output it to CONSOLE tab.
I... did not, ashamed to admit.
UnevenDolphin73 😄 I actually think you are correct, meaning I "think" that what you are asking is the low level logging (for example debug that usually is not printed to console) to also log? is that correct ?
No it will not 😞 the closer is closer to the actual print.
That said, I'm sure it would not be complicated to add.
But I have to wonder, this will really create a mess in the console log, so if someone wants it, it will be global (i.e. also in the visible console. not only in the backend), so the case where the console on the machine itself is "clean" but the backend log is full of debug stuff is not clear to me
UnevenDolphin73 , what do you say, did it work?
Yes, exactly. I have not yet had a chance to try this out -- should it work?