Hi There! I Hope Everyone Is Fine. I'M Starting With Clear-Ml And I Don'T Undestand One Case. I Was Wondering If Someone Could Help Me, Thanks In Advance :)
I'M Executing The Same Train Multiple Times Autologging The Model With The Joblib-Scikit Way. Aft
Hi CheekyDove44
PD: Amazing work ClearML guys :D
🙏 😍
I was expecting that the default behaviour doesn't overrides de model, maybe I have missundestood the documentation
What's happening, I think, is that when creating an Input Model entity for your experiment, ClearML detects an existing model entity using the same exact weights file, and simply reuses the existing model entity (since it's an Input model which is not generated by the experiment, only used as a starting reference)
2 years ago
one year ago