Docker would recognise that image locally and just use it right? I won’t need to update that image often anyway
Correct 🙂
BTW: dockerhub is free and relatively cheap to upgrade 🙂
(GitHub also offers docker registry)
I don’t have a registry to push my image to.I think I can get around it actually - Will it work if I just build the image locally once, then start the agent? Docker would recognise that image locally and just use it right? I won’t need to update that image often anyway
Hi JitteryCoyote63
I think there is a GitHub issue (request on it), this is not very trivial to build (basically you need the agent to first temporary pull the git, apply changes, build docker, remove temp build, and restart with the new image)
Any specific reason for not pushing a docker, or using the extra docker bash script on the Task itslef?