ScaryBluewhale66 ,
If you want to re-run - you need the agent It's still a Task
object so you can just use Task.close()
I'm not sure if something exists at the moment but you could write it faily easily in code
ScaryBluewhale66 , Hi 🙂
Regarding your questions
I think you can just reset the task and enqueue it You can stop it either in the UI or programmatically I'm guessing the scheduler would show errors in it's log if for some reason it failed at something for some reason
CostlyOstrich36 Thanks.
I'm not sure how I can do it if I don't use the ClearML agent. In , I can't find how to stop it programmatically. Could I stop it by the UI if I don't use the ClearML agent. I see. In my understanding, the log would show all the message, but not so clear to me. Especially, if I have tens or hundreds of scheduled tasks. It's not convenient for me to check one by one.