Ah... so there actually is a way to share it then, so long as people are signed up? How would one do this? Do I just share a link to the experiment, like https://app.pro.clear.ml/projects/b4a1875539cb4d9798529439801402ee/experiments/6f4cb4718c7c4a25b3a041c63f6ff2b4/output/execution?columns=selected&columns=type&columns=last_iteration&columns=hyperparams.Args.num_train_epochs&columns=name&columns=status&columns=users&columns=started&columns=last_update&columns=tags&columns=parent.name&columns=project.name&columns=m.2eed1fe0db36d674643b5f84d2adf46e.06eaeb413e7213cb8b5419dd979d3def.value.eval.perplexity&columns=m.c91996e1140a87d090f7b303cd94b445.bd19836ddb62c11c55ab251ccaca5645.value.Test%20Results.f1&order=-last_update&filter=type:training ?
Right now it's on https://app.pro.clear.ml/ , yeah
AgitatedDove14 I should have probably expanded my last message a bit more to say "Right, natanM, right now it's on http://app.pro.clear.ml , not http://app.clear.ml , can you advise, given that it is on .pro?"
I gather there's a distinction between the two, with app.clear being the public cloud-based SaaS version
My apologies SmallDeer34 , this is all some legacy domain stuff
actually " http://app.pro.clear.ml ," is not used any longer (although up), and will be removed in the future
SaaS free/pro is the same domain ( http://app.clear.ml ), same accounts, the only difference is whether you added a credit card, other than that it is the same domain and access.
does that make sense ?
Hmm, I tried publishing one and it doesn't seem to have worked quite that easily: https://app.pro.clear.ml/projects/b4a1875539cb4d9798529439801402ee/experiments/6f4cb4718c7c4a25b3a041c63f6ff2b4/execution?columns=selected&columns=type&columns=last_iteration&columns=hyperparams.Args.num_train_epochs&columns=name&columns=status&columns=users&columns=started&columns=last_update&columns=tags&columns=parent.name&columns=project.name&columns=m.2eed1fe0db36d674643b5f84d2adf46e.06eaeb413e7213cb8b5419dd979d3def.value.eval.perplexity&columns=m.c91996e1140a87d090f7b303cd94b445.bd19836ddb62c11c55ab251ccaca5645.value.Test%20Results.f1&order=-last_update&filter=type:training
Hi SmallDeer34
On the SaaS you can right click on an experimenter and publish it 🙂
This will make the link available for everyone, would that help?
I see a "publish" button on here, but would that make it visible on the wider internet?
Hmm no, the publish is internal "publish" state, it will not just "open" your server to the world (I guess that would be weird 😉 )
SmallDeer34 so maybe rerun it on the "free hosted" server and share it there?
(I'm assuming you do not intent to just open access to your own server)
Yup, not hoping to open the server to the world. As for "rerun it", I don't think I want to rerun the experiments, I want to show the results of the original training runs.
Is there any way to export the results from the internal server?
How would one do this? Do I just share a link to the experiment, like
See "Share" in the right click menu on the experiment
I gather there's a distinction between the two, with app.clear being the public cloud-based SaaS version
Oh this is Only in the SaaS server ...
(I'm sorry I was not clear on that)
Ah, should've specified we've got a ClearML server running
Regarding this one, there is actually a way. If you work on http://app.clear.ml you can share an experiment for other users to see. However, to see the experiment people getting the link would need to sign up. This could also be a pretty cool feature request to make it completely public and open. Maybe open another feature request.